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  1. #1411

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    @dana, thanks and great to having you around again!

    Quote Originally Posted by dark_phoenix
    hapit na mu one month na we did not see each it ok if i'll ask him if unsa na jd para dili nasad nako maka kapoy akong self bah...inig one month na hinoon nga wa mi nag kita...what do you think?
    @dark_phoenix, its not that its not okay, but I am wondering why do you feel that you need to know his answer? I humbly suggest that let his actions speak for himself and his intentions. Let these actions be your answers.

    What I feel is that you want closure and you're pursuing him to clearly state that closure but it's not necessary. Not really necessary. It's like depending and really believing on the weatherman that he can predict accurately the nature of the weather, when he's only saying "90% chance of sunny skies and sudden rain-showers".

    It's really up to you, if what you have with that person is merely just friendship and means nothing. I feel that you're just looking for that extra confirmation that it is. Well, all I can say is wait and see. Because there is nothing bad with just having a friendship, especially if it makes you feel good about yourself. You could just take what he offers you as friendship and just see where it goes from there. It might remain just a friendship or it could be possibly be more~ A lot of good strong relationships and marriages are founded on long term friendships.

    It's clear you like the guy and through his earlier actions it appears to you that he might feel the same way. Well, he could, he just needs time...months are really too short to really say what is and what is not.

    Trees don't grow in a week and so does of a lot of good, wonderful things~ Good things do need to take time. Try years. Please be patient and keep yourself busy so as not to be distracted by him. You got to focus on your priorities, yourself, family and friends that have proven time and time again that they're always there.

    Don't close the door just yet and if you do, don't lock it.You can hope, but do not expect. All I am really saying is there are possibilities waiting to happen if you could wait too but waiting doesn't have to mean putting your life on hold.

    And yes, you don't need to confront the guy. That's my suggestion only. How you live your life ultimately depends on you. Definitely you.

    Wishing you hope and happiness in Life and in Love :mrgreen:

  2. #1412

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Ako problem kay la pako kauyab. 21 na tawn ko. d man sad ko batig nawng, aranangan man pd tngae kog dagway pero ambt la lng jd. maminaw nalng ko ani kantaha

    my mama said you can't hurry love. no, you just have to wait. she said love don't come easy. its a game of give n take

  3. #1413

    Default Re: Nakipag-live in just to be with HIS baby

    Hell, no. kung di na love ng guy yung mom, let her move on. and the guy should move on also.
    The child will sense that there is no love between the parents and will be affected.

  4. #1414

    Default Re: Nakipag-live in just to be with HIS baby

    definitely no. the one that is going to be affected with this kind of scenario is the baby...try living with a particular person without having to feel love at all is a huge mistake. a house without love is never a home at all.... :mrgreen:

  5. #1415

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    @caspey, getting into and having a relationship is a choice. Being in love is a chance

    You can't hurry love, yes and NO you DON'T just have to wait. Waiting is boring. Get yourself out there! Meet new people, make new friends, learn new things about the world around you and get to know yourself better.

    Sometimes finding romance and love is being in the right place and at the right time, and sometimes it doesn't mean you have to wait at the same place again again and again, eh?

  6. #1416

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by caspey
    Ako problem kay la pako kauyab. 21 na tawn ko. d man sad ko batig nawng, aranangan man pd tngae kog dagway pero ambt la lng jd. maminaw nalng ko ani kantaha

    my mama said you can't hurry love. no, you just have to wait. she said love don't come easy. its a game of give n take
    hahaha, lingaw murag ako sauna katong college pako...21 nko, pero wa na kau ko think anang mosulod ug
    relasyon sakto c diem, kung gusto ka gf naa raman na kung gusto ka, pero love? dli jed na dali2x
    motivation pa jed na xa...mmmm, cguro keep urself bz and work more on your personality for better....

  7. #1417

    Default Is if the past of the one your love is matter in your relationship

    I'm dating this girl for a months now but now I am confuse because this girl that I was dating has some past relationships and when she tell me some of her stories about her past relationships It gives me doubt if I can trust this girl and if she deserve my love but I think I'm falling for her but my mind says not to trust her or not to be serious with her what should I do??

  8. #1418

    Default Re: Is if the past of the one your love is matter in your relationship

    [color=navy]It's not a problem unless you make it a problem... it's not an issue unless you make it an issue.

    I understand your fears. One cannot completely disregard history. You are afraid that what she had done before, she would do so again, this time to you. But here's the thing, if you love her~ if you really do love her and accept her, should that really matter?

    If you say you are still falling for her and not yet completely in love with her, then by all means... if you believe it'll make you happier then break it off. After all you and the girl has just been together for a month. What's a month compared to years and decades right? if you're not happy with her, if you're afraid of being hurt then why prolong it? Get out while you still can.

    Take a break, take two weeks away from her. Be with yourself, be with your family, be with your friends and just don't be with her and evaluate how you feel without her for those two weeks. Happier? Sadder? Think it through, or you might fall into something you'd really really regret. And yes yes I know it's easier said than done but IT CAN BE DONE.

    Wishing you all the best in Life and in Live! :mrgreen:

  9. #1419

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by caspey
    Ako problem kay la pako kauyab. 21 na tawn ko. d man sad ko batig nawng, aranangan man pd tngae kog dagway pero ambt la lng jd. maminaw nalng ko ani kantaha

    my mama said you can't hurry love. no, you just have to wait. she said love don't come easy. its a game of give n take
    ur mama's right...and the lyrics of that song as well

  10. #1420

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by dark_phoenix
    here's my situation..
    nag kaila mi sa net then nagkita mi...
    then ni txt siya na malingaw daw siya nako...and he told me sweet things..sweet siguro para lang nako.hehhe...
    then after we nami nag kita balik pero mag cge gihapon i chat...and he told me na he misses me daw he even mdae a poem for me...
    naglibog ko if tinood bah jd iya gi sulti kay wala rasad siya nag make ug effort nga magkita mi...
    mm... either the guy must busy because he can't seem to find time to see you or maybe he's just not ready. so yeah.. if you don't want to pay the guessing game, then you might as well invite him out (but I personally would like the guy to ask me out...) although, it really doesn't seem to matter at this day and age... pero come on, at this day and age wa naman sad siguro mas sige ug usik usik ug oras oi.. playing the waiting game and all that, except if he's the kind of person who really wants to play it...

    bitaw oi... mao ra btiaw ni ako ikasulti... paminaw ni diem. mao ranang claseng tambaga ako ma sulti sad.

    good luck.. ♥

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