@dana, thanks and great to having you around again!

Originally Posted by
hapit na mu one month na we did not see each other...is it ok if i'll ask him if unsa na jd para dili nasad nako maka kapoy akong self bah...inig one month na hinoon nga wa mi nag kita...what do you think?
@dark_phoenix, its not that its not okay, but I am wondering why do you feel that you need to know his answer? I humbly suggest that let his actions speak for himself and his intentions. Let these actions be your answers.
What I feel is that you want closure and you're pursuing him to clearly state that closure but it's not necessary. Not really necessary. It's like depending and really believing on the weatherman that he can predict accurately the nature of the weather, when he's only saying "90% chance of sunny skies and sudden rain-showers".
It's really up to you, if what you have with that person is merely just friendship and means nothing. I feel that you're just looking for that extra confirmation that it is. Well, all I can say is wait and see. Because there is nothing bad with just having a friendship, especially if it makes you feel good about yourself.
You could just take what he offers you as friendship and just see where it goes from there. It might remain just a friendship or it could be possibly be more~ A lot of good strong relationships and marriages are founded on long term friendships.
It's clear you like the guy and through his earlier actions it appears to you that he might feel the same way. Well, he could, he just needs time...months are really too short to really say what is and what is not.
Trees don't grow in a week and so does of a lot of good, wonderful things~ Good things do need to take time. Try years.
Please be patient and keep yourself busy so as not to be distracted by him. You got to focus on your priorities, yourself, family and friends that have proven time and time again that they're always there.
Don't close the door just yet and if you do, don't lock it.
You can hope, but do not expect. All I am really saying is there are possibilities waiting to happen if you could wait too but waiting doesn't have to mean putting your life on hold.
And yes, you don't need to confront the guy. That's my suggestion only. How you live your life ultimately depends on you. Definitely you.
Wishing you hope and happiness in Life and in Love :mrgreen: