Give me 5 minutes of your precious time and I will tell you where to source those educational therapy toys.

After coming home from an appointment with a therapist or the developmental pediatrician, you maybe wondering "What now?". You may only meet with the therapist at most is 3x a week and the doctor after 6 months and you are left with your child and don't know what to do with them.

Worry not, check out this complete list of educational toys from our toy shop that can address and target your child's fine motor skills, independence in activities of daily living, cognitive skills, communication skills, interaction skills and creative skills. All you need are these toddler toys from our Toy Shop, coupled with competent handling, and most especially your love, patience and attention, to help your child learn and understand new skills and concepts.

Our Toy Shop's therapy toys are colorful, educational, can be played manually, and mentally, and can be use to teach skills for the development of your child or students. You can use them as educational toys for teaching your child, as gifts to your child or child's therapist, or just to enjoy as educational games with your children and friends.