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  1. #1

    Default RELATIONSHIP... FALLING... Please help or rather not...

    ohn Mayer Slow Dancing in a Burning Room Lyrics
    It's not a silly little moment,
    It's not the storm before the calm.
    This is the deep and dying breath of,
    This love that we've been working on.

    Can't seem to hold you like I want to,
    So I can feel you in my arms.
    Nobody's gonna come and save you,
    We pulled too many false alarms.

    We're going down and you can see it too.
    We're going down and you know that we're doomed.
    My dear, we're slow dancing in a burning room.

    I was the one you always dreamed of,
    You were the one I tried to draw.
    How dare you say it's nothing to me,
    Baby you're the only light I ever saw.

    I'll make the most of all the saddness.
    You be a bitch because you can.
    You'll try to hit me just to hurt me,
    [Slow Dancing in a Burning Room lyrics on]

    So you leave me feeling dirty cause you can't understand.

    We're going down
    And you can see it too
    We're going down
    And you know that we're doomed.

    My dear, we're slow dancing in a burning room.

    Go cry about it
    why don't you?

    Go cry about it
    why don't you?

    Go cry about it
    why don't you?

    My dear, we're slow dancing in a burning room.

    Don't you think we ought to know by now?
    Don't you think we should've learned somehow?

    This song means a lot to me. Holding on tho that the relationship is already falling apart.... still loving each other but not inlove with each other anymore.... So SAD...

    If anybody who could relate please do share... Thanks....

  2. #2
    C.I.A. miramax's Avatar
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    Default Re: RELATIONSHIP... FALLING... Please help or rather not...

    yes, I do feel da same way too. It's kinda hard though! I still have the affection for my guy but , I'm not sure if he still does...What my mind says contradicts to what my heart feels .

  3. #3

    Default Re: RELATIONSHIP... FALLING... Please help or rather not...

    my present girlfriend and i always have a fight...there are even a couple of times we broke up...but if you really love each other you can always find ways to adjust to each other...

  4. #4
    C.I.A. miramax's Avatar
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    Default Re: RELATIONSHIP... FALLING... Please help or rather not...

    Quote Originally Posted by wolvzofdeath
    my present girlfriend and i always have a fight...there are even a couple of times we broke up...but if you really love each other you can always find ways to adjust to each other...
    Wat if u used to be so sweet with each other, affectionate au sya nimo, then kung kanus-a mo nagkalagyo, instead na double ang mahimong affection, ipa-feel niya sa imo, nga genahuna2 ka niya , dry na man hinoon sya, Your mind is tellin u , the feeling remains but your heart tells u from what u feel sa iya mga actions , "Hey, mora'g wa na man ne klaro" . Then?

  5. #5

    Default Re: RELATIONSHIP... FALLING... Please help or rather not...

    I'm glad on your comment. I never thought people would even care. A couple still love each other but not anymore inlove. Meaning that there's no luster, no twist and no thrill anymore. You both know that there's too much familiarization on both parties and too much of it means that there's nothing more to it anymore. There's no beyond the relationship. These two can't get married yet for some reasons. They still love each other but they came to the point that there's no beyond the relationship anymore, they can't go further. They're still holding on coz of too much memories good or bad but they had quite a time with each other.

    They still love each other but they can't move on. Slow dancing in a burning room.. still sticking together tho they knew that it's not working anymore. There's no spark, there's nothing in it but memories....

  6. #6

    Default Re: RELATIONSHIP... FALLING... Please help or rather not...

    Quote Originally Posted by miramax
    Wat if u used to be so sweet with each other, affectionate au sya nimo, then kung kanus-a mo nagkalagyo, instead na double ang mahimong affection, ipa-feel niya sa imo, nga genahuna2 ka niya , dry na man hinoon sya, Your mind is tellin u , the feeling remains but your heart tells u from what u feel sa iya mga actions , "Hey, mora'g wa na man ne klaro" . Then?
    those are just prejudices knowing that both of you are that far from one another...rekindle everything and dont get carried away by what you feel because of certain situation/s. love will hold on...YOU will hold on cause of the kind of foundation that both of you built...sayang ayo ang time, feelings and those risks na imo g invest sa inyo relationship...8s not falling per se, but waiting for one of you to catch whoever is falling...8s not the relationship that is falling, 8s what you THINK that is falling...fight for it again... :mrgreen:

  7. #7

    Default Re: RELATIONSHIP... FALLING... Please help or rather not...

    Quote Originally Posted by miramax
    Wat if u used to be so sweet with each other, affectionate au sya nimo, then kung kanus-a mo nagkalagyo, instead na double ang mahimong affection, ipa-feel niya sa imo, nga genahuna2 ka niya , dry na man hinoon sya, Your mind is tellin u , the feeling remains but your heart tells u from what u feel sa iya mga actions , "Hey, mora'g wa na man ne klaro" . Then?
    in Love there is the falling and the sustaining part, falling in love is a passive act you dont have to do anything you just feel it thats why you fall in love...but theres a responsibility of nurturing it, of sustaining it and that is why you recommit yourself to that relationship continuously dont let minor snags or obstacles hinders you or discourage you in making the relationship works...

  8. #8

    Default Re: RELATIONSHIP... FALLING... Please help or rather not...

    me, i believe that in a relationship.. you should once in a while spice things up. no i do not mean ***.. i mean.. just like me for instance... on occasions.. i come up with plans with my gf. new plans such as going to somewhere new, or doing something new or if not simply eating somewhere new.. it doesnt have to be much.. just spend quality time together..

    i find this as "spicing" it up because.. after a long relationship(i am presently in one for 2yrs now going 3 this sept) you tend to know a lot of each other and everything may come out as a routine.. thus leading to each other to boredom and unsatisfied.. then eventually.. fall out of love..

    this is my personal belief and practice to my relationship.. i learned from my experience.. had once my x we were together for 2yrs and 8 months.. long enough but nothing pulled thru..

    hope this helps..

  9. #9

    Default Re: RELATIONSHIP... FALLING... Please help or rather not...

    The Art Of Letting Go

    It's over. He’s gone.

    Why do we have to part while
    the love is still there?
    Why do we have to suffer?
    Why do we have to cry when
    someone buds goodbye?
    Why do beginnings have an end?
    Why do we have to meet
    only to lose in the end? There are
    questions left unanswered,
    words left unsaid, letters left unread,
    poems left undone, songs left unsung,
    loved left unexpressed,
    promises left unfulfilled.

    In a relationship,
    one of the hardest things to do
    is saying goodbye and letting go.
    It is as hard as breaking a crystal
    because you'll never know when you
    will be able to pick up the pieces again.
    More often than not, they who go
    feel not the pain of parting:
    it is they who stay behind that suffer,
    because they are left
    with memories of love
    that was meant to be,
    a love that was.

    At the beginning and at the end
    of a relationship,
    we are embarrassed to find ourselves alone.
    Unfair as it may seem,
    but that's the way love goes.
    That's the drama, the bittersweet
    and the risk of falling in love.
    After all, noting is constant but change.
    Everything will eventually come to its end
    without us knowing when,
    without us knowing how,
    without us knowing why.
    And we must forget not because we have to
    but because we have to.

    In letting go, sorrows come
    not a single spy but in battalion.
    It seems that everywhere you go,
    everything you do,
    every song you hear,
    every turn of your head,
    every move of your body,
    every beat of you heart,
    every blink of your eye and every breath
    you take always reminds you of him.
    It's like a stab of a knife,
    a torture in the night.
    Funny how the whole world
    becomes depopulated
    when only one person is missing.
    Just imagine,
    there are a billion people on earth
    and yet it seems you feel lonely
    and empty without the other.

    I don’t know if it's worth calling an art,
    but letting go entails
    special skills sparkled
    with a considerable space and time.
    Time heals all wounds but it takes
    a little push on out part.
    Acceptance plays a part.
    Not all love stories end with
    "...and they lived happily ever after."

    Sometimes we have to part because of
    circumstances beyond our control.
    We have to suffer if it would
    mean happiness for others.
    We have to cry to
    temporarily let go of the pains.
    Every beginning has its end
    like every dawn has its dusk.
    It's something we can't control,
    something we had to live up.

    It’s over.
    He’s gone. But life has to go on.
    Goodbye doesn't always mean forever.
    There will be a place and time
    where questions will be answered,
    words will be spoken.
    Letters will be read,
    poems will be recited in the night,
    songs will be sung in harmony,
    love will be expressed in solitude and
    promises will be fulfilled.
    Somewhere. Somehow. Someday.


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