Thank you for all those who has given the support to Mary Ann De Los Santos and for those who have participated in the forum (whether you have chosen to vote for her or not). We have put up a good fight this election and we thank ou for making democracy work. It was a good fight and a good introduction for 2010. We will see you again in 2010.
Congratulations to the winners and supporters of the winners for this election. I hope and pray that in the next three years we all will be working for a better and brighter Cebu.
We will see you again in 2010 and you will definitely still hear from us in the upcoming years to come. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
To all who were expecting more replies to the MAD topic, sorry wasn't able to put up any more replies...went home to campaign and be part of this election. We will see you again in 2010.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: