Based from online reviews Samurai Warriors is an average game. With all the games for 3DS, why settle for average when you can have the BEST?
Mas maayo pa banhawun nato tong MEET-UPs kaso kato meet up sa una puros MH4U ra mao sumol he he he
Mao suggested nako nga A+ quality games for 3DS:
Resident Evil Revelations
Fire Emblem (best Strategy RPG)
Mario kart
New Super Mario land 3D
Luigi's Mansion
Shin Megami Devil Survivor
Shin Megamit Tensei 4
Etrian Oddyssey
Kid Icarus
Dead or Alive
MGS 3: Snake Eater (yes, its a port but a very good one at that)
Layton 3DS
Brain Age 3Ds (para mo brayt kuno)
There's more but I am in no position to make a TOP TEN list.