got my self two 8 weeks old Leopard Tortoise (Geochelone Pardalis).
i'm quite new as well in the world of chelonians and i am constantly searching for answers and tips on its captive breeding (indoor enclosures)
here is my current setup and hope I could get some inputs from you guys...
My Enclosure: Atasuki brand 30X18x18 Glass Enclosure with screen top and sliding door
Substrate: mixed ZooMed Coco coir, ZooMed Sphagnum Moss and ZooMed Cypress Mulch
Lighting, UVB/UVA: ZooMed 160W PowerSun Mercury Vapor (all in one) and Exo Terra 60W CHE
- setup on a ZooMed Ceramic Socket Fixture and ZooMed Lamp Stand, approx. 14" from the tortoise
- and auto timer controller
Temperature: basking at 38-40C, ambient at 32-35C, humidity at 50-80%
Food: fresh vegetables and ZooMed Grassland Tortoise Food and ZooMed ReptiCalcium
they get daily soaking and 2-3x a week outdoor grazing