mga baboy man kasagaran lawas sa mga mexicano
mga baboy man kasagaran lawas sa mga mexicano
murag dili mga pinoy boss... ato sa sigurohon kung pinoy ba jud...
Jokera dyud ug kumo aning kaploa nga naka-itum ngets. Mura man ug walay pamahaw kay kumo nga luyat kaayo. hehehe Tabla ra sa nanguhit hahaha Pwede siya mo-apil sa kay "More than just a talk"... Aw more talk, less fight d i to iyaha.
paminawa ang conversation sa 6 minutes dapit, kay naa nay klaro na tagalog.. like "tama na" and nag mention ni pacman..
dayoff ang mga mexicano da.....
ang mga yonip kalma ra kaau, mura rag gikan trabaho MEPZ nga nka kitag gubot..... payter!
Reason sa Fight
Originally there are only 4 Filipino-Ame (the guy in black, red and gray shirt and the other one is capturing the video) in that fight, the other guy who's wearing white shirt is their Mexican friend and they have 2 more friend who is with them who are Americans, who captures this video, this video is now in the hands of the federal police for review, those boastful Mexicans are tying to recruit them into their gang but they refuse that's why they come out in that fight.
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