the newest issue of the Filipinas Magazine.
five people you meet in heaven
by mitch albom
really, really great book! one of the best i've read..
again, mitch albom touched my heart again after tuesdays with morrie
Guy Hollingworth.
Very nice! A recommended book for pasteboard prestidigitators!
da vinci code
deception point
by dan brown
a dick francis thing--the decider.
im living up to the summer suspense trend...
Butterfly farm is now open at CEBU HOTEL: Spring Resort
Ken chan
Just finished The Da Vinci Code. Now reading Angels and Demons.
Stay away from the stupid rebuttal "Cracking the Da Vinci Code". That book proves nothing but half-baked, dilute, sarcastic counter-arguments in reaction to Dan Brown's assertions on his popular novel. Finding out that people actually agree with the counter-arguments presented on "Cracking the Da Vinci Code" is far more disturbing than finding out that there are people who believe the assertions on Dan Brown's novel.
reader's digest
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