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  1. #101

    ang nakapait pud ani kay naa pud uban na himoon ni cya nga negosyo. inig ma grant na sa ila ang bag-ong balay either ila na parentahan or worst ibaligya.

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by cebugdev View Post
    I think what the government can do is to build houses for them (informal settlers) BUT asks something in return like;
    1. An agreement to informal settlers to pay something monthly or annualy, kana lang low cost jd
    2. an agreement between the informal settlers and the government that the informal settlers will look for a decent job.
    3. an agreement between the parties to leave the projects after # number of years, this will force them para maningkamot ngita ug kwarta.

    My point is, its better to give them Temporary fix for their life or a jumpstart for them to change, but not completely free.

    this is how settlers in CHina or Projects in US works. Dili completely ihatag sa ilaha ang balay but dapat nay something in return.
    menos ra kaayo ang HONOR diri's ato gud...

    example lang...
    nasunogan ma gani ka ug balay, kawatan pa gyud ka imbis tabangan...

  3. #103
    what do you mean forthepeople? a source of benefits from which otherpeople can derive at the expense ofeveryone else? OR a government for the equal protection of rightsof people? the two can never exist together.

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by cloudduster View Post
    She's clueless. Would you rather be happy if your hard-earned money goes to build mansions and bungalow for the rich and famous? It's called empathy and human compassion.
    But I will not be happy as well if the taxes I pay will go to those who have done nothing but complain their arse on the gov't.
    Empathy and human compassion? those have been abused and raped a lot of times.
    The Gov't should open a program for them instead.
    Not that they will build it on how they wish but they should be part of the construction.
    Kadaghan kaau mga tatay na tambay sa Pinas!!
    They will be paid but only half and the other half is their down payment.
    There it goes, you've given them jobs and houses at the same time.

    Quote Originally Posted by cloudduster View Post
    Kalma lang gud. LOL

    We're not discussing anything but the way she 'twitted.' There are politically correct ways to share your opinion. Unsa kahay imong reaction noh kung mo tweet og ing-ana si PNoy, si De Lima og ang imong mga paboritong opisyal.

    Dili gyud na mahitabo, why? Because they know nga dili na mao ang saktong paagi. Gets mo?
    I don't see anything wrong with how she said it.
    She's not a politician anyway
    She has the guts to say it and this time she's damn right

  5. #105
    Para nako, if this goes on then majority mu take advantage and become "Informal Settlers".

    I believe on the saying "Give a man a fish and he will live for a day, teach a man how to fish and he will live for a lifetime." Mas nindot unta if the Government gave them jobs or created some jobs instead of making them houses. And their houses are like those from Deca Homes except that there is no 2nd floor. That's way too much. They could've made small apartments or something similar to some apartments in Japan wherein is made up of light but sturdy materials.

    Charity is good but this is spoon feeding already.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cloudduster View Post
    Kalma lang gud. LOL

    We're not discussing anything but the way she 'twitted.' There are politically correct ways to share your opinion. Unsa kahay imong reaction noh kung mo tweet og ing-ana si PNoy, si De Lima og ang imong mga paboritong opisyal.

    Dili gyud na mahitabo, why? Because they know nga dili na mao ang saktong paagi. Gets mo?
    I think what she twitted is fine. Personal bya na ang twitter so she can say what she wants. What she said is logically correct.

  6. #106
    DMD na master oi. Kapoya bya panarbaho. naningkamot man gali ta ug pangabang ug kwarto.

    Quote Originally Posted by iNeedMoney View Post

    unsa'y masulti ninyo ani mga brader?Uyon mo nga kato nanarbaho maayo ningkamot pra lang jud mkapalit og kaugalingon balay plus daghan kaayo TAX unya ang inyo Tax igo ra diay ipalit og Balay pra sa mga Tapulan nga tawo (informal Settlers) unya sa dihang naa na cla balay CHOOSY pa jud kaayo?hmmm..

  7. #107
    ok nalang ko ani oi kaysa adto padung sa bulsa sa mga buaya. We visited Macau once nya amo nakit-an sila ni Bong Revilla, her wife, and their entire posse of I think mga 20 siguro kabook. Didto pa sa Venetian Hotel nag check in ang mga hinampak. I know maka afford sila ug tour with their personal money but kamo nalay analyze mga istoryans considering the recent issue he is involved right now. Faetz!

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by adrianna View Post
    ok nalang ko ani oi kaysa adto padung sa bulsa sa mga buaya. We visited Macau once nya amo nakit-an sila ni Bong Revilla, her wife, and their entire posse of I think mga 20 siguro kabook. Didto pa sa Venetian Hotel nag check in ang mga hinampak. I know maka afford sila ug tour with their personal money but kamo nalay analyze mga istoryans considering the recent issue he is involved right now. Faetz!
    and how do you think crocodiles get their money from the people? from programs like this. therefore, if u agree with a program such as this nonesense and at the same time justifying this as better than funds being pocketed by crocodiles then you are still naive and clueless.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by emow View Post
    and how do you think crocodiles get their money from the people? from programs like this. therefore, if u agree with a program such as this nonesense and at the same time justifying this as better than funds being pocketed by crocodiles then you are still naive and clueless.

    Yes, I am indeed naive and clueless. This is a nonesense project coz in the first place, this project was created for the benefit of the high-end/commercial residential development like the Ayalas, which in turn would benefit pud sa mga buayang dagko, since commercial area manjud ning dapita. Sa ako lang layman na pang huna2x wala man siguroy project sa gobyerno na walay kickback. Ang ako lang, mas uyon nalang ko ani kaysa atong tax money mu adto sa mga dummy NGO's wherein not a single centavo went to the real beneficiaries. Wala man jud tay choice. Asa man diay kwarta ang gobyerno pag construct aning housing projects? Makalagot jud but kutob rata express sa ato sentiments just like what Bianca did.

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by adrianna View Post
    Yes, I am indeed naive and clueless. This is a nonesense project coz in the first place, this project was created for the benefit of the high-end/commercial residential development like the Ayalas, which in turn would benefit pud sa mga buayang dagko, since commercial area manjud ning dapita. Sa ako lang layman na pang huna2x wala man siguroy project sa gobyerno na walay kickback. Ang ako lang, mas uyon nalang ko ani kaysa atong tax money mu adto sa mga dummy NGO's wherein not a single centavo went to the real beneficiaries. Wala man jud tay choice. Asa man diay kwarta ang gobyerno pag construct aning housing projects? Makalagot jud but kutob rata express sa ato sentiments just like what Bianca did.
    "walay project sa gobyerno na walay kickback" -perfect conclusion. we are aware of that fact and still cry foul of the corruptions that these naturally bring and these include every single program the government is doing for the benefit of the people as well as every agency it has built in order to implement its programs. we are quick to blame on the rich for the ills of inequality they seemed to make. my suggestion, blame government with the same amount of temper and damn every promise it will make. there is a simple solution that would save us our money, cut corruption significantly, and promote PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY in its utmost sense of the word, remove all laws, agencies and programs that seeks to provide benefits and social welfare to the poor and we will cut off a great portion of the corruption we have now and at the same promote the natural allocation of capital for social progress.

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