The settlers should 'not' be given these for free but they can pay for it over time which the government has to earn modestly, like an investments.
Sana they would properly screen the settlers and educate them of the opportunity given.
The settlers should 'not' be given these for free but they can pay for it over time which the government has to earn modestly, like an investments.
Sana they would properly screen the settlers and educate them of the opportunity given.
Last edited by cmac2; 07-14-2013 at 01:27 PM.
I'd be happy if they use my tax to streghten our military forces, than to be used to build homes to informal settlers... Not in a million years! Mangita nalang kog trabaho nga di ko mag bayad og tax kung maohon.
She is f***ng right
There is no such thing as "pro poor" but there is definitely pro pork barrel
We are working so hard to buy and build our own houses
And these people who keep on doing nothing but complain, litter and give birth are asking for their non-existing share
They should stop producing offsprings they can't feed and can't provide a better life with, poor children
Give them education so they can find a job, give them a job so they can provide and buy a place for their families
It appears like just to make them look good some politicians are using this as a means of showing that there is a change in terms of poverty
What was that survey again?
unta akong tax gamiton for improved community health services.. bisan diha ra muna.
Last edited by mckoy_slipstream; 07-15-2013 at 09:59 AM.
Daghan uroy mga pobre na dili squatters ang ni asenso, ngano na buhat mana nila?
Akong papa gkan man sa pobre na pamilya. Kada klase mag lakaw lapas 1 kilometer padulong eskwelahan nya kung mag uwan dli ka eskwela kay hadlok xa mabasa iyang mga libro ug notebook pero ok ra nya ma basa xa. Nya mamaligya sad ug isda kuyog sa iya inahan sa tianggehan kung walay klase.
Karon prominente naman lagi dri cebu, tapos na presidente ug business club, na cabinet member sad. Ngano man beh?
Nya kani c Dado Banatao.
Dado Banatao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pobre sad pero dili squatter mao nag imbento sa ethernet para gamiton sa LAN ug internet. Kadto bata pa xa maglakaw padulong sa eskwelahan mag ra. Pobre xa ha pero dli squatter pero karon gi na xa ug "Bill Gates of the Philippines"
Kana inyong laptop nga naay ethernet controller na gkan sa Marvell iyaha nang ginama.
Until when are we going to shoulder their self-inflicted problems?
They should earn it
This gov't has given them inappropriate privileges
Giving them financial support
If we will shoulder it, I may agree but it doesn't mean they are not going to work for it
They should pay, through money or labor
so long as the people strongly believe that government is responsible for the welfare of its people, there will always be proposals like this.... just fyi, no body escapes tax, whether rich or poor. why? how about vat? poor people obviously are also paying vat,therefore the argument about them being non tax payers is invalid.
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