Australian account, morning shift and its about cellphones .. ^_^
Call off ug uyab? Just kidding ^^
mga dre, unsay buhaton diri kung maka work sa TP? senxa kapoyan ko backread kai sakit ako eyes, salamat sa mu reply
i was curious pa naman unta about nila. oh well.
I think you misundorstand what the difference between CONTRACTUAL and PROJECT-BASED..
Kung contractual ka, you will only be there for a certain amount of time, and after that period of time is up, tangtang na ka, no questions asked.
Kung project-based ka, your tenure will rely on how much the project needs you (as is the case in bpos, ang project = account, and in most cases kung mag-ramp ang account forever needed na ang headcount unless specified otherwise), so as long as the account exists, so will you.
Sa akong nabal-an, kung mgpullout ang account pangitaan man gyud na ug Laing kabutangan ang employees, so i dont see how this is detrimental to your decision to apply.
Ps. Kung magparefer mo, pm me kay 15k ang bonus.. tunga ta![]()
^Project Based and Contractual is just one and the same... Bottom line, your stay in TP is interim, if the Client should wish to leave, then your stay is would be decided by HR (as we would normally say in TP "Its time to Update your resume").
And I don't believe HR or TP has the capacity to refer you to other accounts as what our ACCM said to us, either if the Client termintates their contract at no obligation to TP, then TP is no obligation to pay you more than the services you have rendered to them.. NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS.
And it would be less likely you're going to be transferred to other account as well. That's for sure.
And unlike other BPO's, TP does'nt give to the term REGULARIZATION, yes you might say its Project Based and stuff.. but other BPOs do give you some sort of benefits in incremental manner when your going to be "regularized" already.... with TP? its forever what you sign up for and that's it!
get my point?
Last edited by jeff_bonz59; 07-14-2013 at 12:01 AM.
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