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  1. #1

    Default Tax Payers will shoulder the cost of Housing Project for Informal Settlers?Would u agree?See this!

    unsa'y masulti ninyo ani mga brader?Uyon mo nga kato nanarbaho maayo ningkamot pra lang jud mkapalit og kaugalingon balay plus daghan kaayo TAX unya ang inyo Tax igo ra diay ipalit og Balay pra sa mga Tapulan nga tawo (informal Settlers) unya sa dihang naa na cla balay CHOOSY pa jud kaayo?hmmm..

  2. #2
    She's clueless. Would you rather be happy if your hard-earned money goes to build mansions and bungalow for the rich and famous? It's called empathy and human compassion.

  3. #3
    C.I.A. nijazared's Avatar
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    I will have no qualms over it as long as our taxes are being used properly. The problem is, kadaghan kurakot sa gobyerno...and most ani mga informal settlers are depending or are even demanding help from the government. For people who have been working hard left and right, I can understand why they would be against it. For people who are barely able to eat once a day, I also understand them. Okay ra ko if taxes would go to long as the government will be able to benefit from them and dili lang pod masayang ang help na gi provide.

  4. #4
    it's already being done....why are you surprised? asa man daw na gikuha nang mga budget sauna pa?
    it's taken from our taxes namana...

    PERO...................kung mo-ingon ang atong panuway'ng goberno nga "i-puno" sa deductions kada sweldo natong nag-hago? aw, lain nanang storyaa....................i'd say "sorry, but i've got more things to worry/a lot more IMPORTANT people to worry about than you, mr/mrs. informal settlers. iyahay tag salbar sa atong kaugalingon."

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cloudduster View Post
    It's called empathy and human compassion.
    this probably needs to be shoved to the thicker-than-a-crododile-skinned politicians...

  5. #5
    It's all a big joke! the gov't tolerates informal settlers because they make money out of them. it is all business, from property acquisition, planning, development, construction, amortization. Squatting is even a full time job now. Is squatting a crime or just a mere civil conflict with the land owner? If it's a crime, why are they not in jail? It's business, all business! some gov't units would even buy cheap land half submerged in water just to make a quick profit.

  6. #6
    daghan raba ani nila ang buhat kay tambay, inom ug videoke ra.. aw naa pa d.i lain, buhat ug dugang bata.. nya sugot mo?

  7. #7
    mao daw ni?

    ka nice ba, mag-informal settler nalang sad ko oi...

  8. #8
    This is where the RH bill comes in. Asa naman tong mga pari ug opponents nga gusto ug pro-life? Sila unta mangita ug balay ani nila. Asa na ang mga pork barrel?
    One family pero 6-8 ka anak, ang income is less than 120 Pesos a day. Susmaryosep.

    I can agree, since nahatag naman gyud nato ang taxes, nakakuot naman gyud ta. We can house them one-time and that's it!
    DOLE should also do it's job to provide jobs.

  9. #9
    Yes. I heard that the budget is overblown, again.

    This is not about compassion and all, this is not sustainable in the long run. This is clearly a socialist agenda that aims to reduce the middle class.

    Think about it, those squatters will be given homes with a small monthly amortization amounting to less than 1000 per month for 25 years. They will not be given any form of livelihood, they will not be given financial assistance in terms of education. What will they do? Well do what they do best: sell drugs, sell merchandise, prostitute their children to foreigners and locals alike. Of course in every business you would have to consider cutting down on cost. What this means for the squatters is that they want to be relocated to an area that is not too far from where they can do business.

    LOL. These people actually tap water and electricity at no cost to them. They even rent out these places and make some money tax-free.

    Group files libel case vs. QC mayor Bautista | News | GMA News Online

    to those who think this is fair, are you a communist diguised as a socialist or liberal? Or are you from these groups of poeple?(informal settlers)

    In restrospect, I know some poor people from the provinces who became successful. They did not choose to relocate to the city and become squatters, instead they chose to work their way in their hometown studying diligently and gaining scholarships and eventually landing in university and finally getting a high paying stable job. They never left their place and they never left their values. So tell me, is that impossible at all?

  10. #10
    ambot sa kanding nga may bangs!

    Last edited by Vino Kid; 07-07-2013 at 09:13 AM.

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