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  1. #11

    Ok, first, I don't think that these engineers and contractors are stupid enough to put any person's life at risk. Second, Mike Rama now is more knowledgeable than engineers?

    Kanang mga poste, di ba risky pud na kay pwede matumba? LOL!

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by makie29 View Post
    Ok, first, I don't think that these engineers and contractors are stupid enough to put any person's life at risk.
    In the Phils? Hell Yeah

  3. #13
    wala siguroy under the table

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by SioDenz View Post
    In the Phils? Hell Yeah
    On the second thought, yeah. LOL! Maybe not their intention but because of the quality (lack of it) of their work.. haha!

  5. #15
    we can always try this for a moment. i'm sure kulang gyud ug study ni pero kung dili nato sugdan, dili gyud ni mahuman.

  6. #16
    haha. oh Rama! you're putting the burden and excuses to stop a great project when in fact those excuses you've mentioned is another problem that YOU, yes YOU RAMA.. that's your responsibility being a mayor to eradicate and discipline the people and catch those thieves.

    Mahog lang na wala siyay salig sa iyang ka-polisan ug iyang kaugalingong gobyerno kay nag.huna2x naman siya nga naay mangihi ug kawatan mag.tambay diha.

    How about making sure that does not happen instead of making it as an excuse? Duh? SMH

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by makie29 View Post
    Ok, first, I don't think that these engineers and contractors are stupid enough to put any person's life at risk. Second, Mike Rama now is more knowledgeable than engineers?
    sa PHILS ? YEAH!!!! nobody cares for your safety man, except you yourself, wa na silay pakialam nimu basta kwarta, mukirig kung kinsa ang mukorig.

  8. #18
    Hopefully this project pushes through and Rama's issues with it are resolved. After Osmena blvd, they should implement this along other roads as well para limpyo na tanawn ang Cebu.. hugaw kaayo mga wires murag spaghetti

  9. #19
    nice ta kung underground para murag ayala, we can plant a lot of trees, naa na bay na kuryentehan diha ayala? ahahahaha, if si tomas pa ang na mayor, it is all progress, unsay bag.o ron? naa sa headlines? casual employees gpang fired, giguba ang fence sa port authority wala man gani ggamit, show case kaau mapuno napud na ug squatter, limpyo na ta, n karn dili mosugot ug underground electric wire, it will just ward the investors away, i hope naa pa si tomas dri just to be an opposition is enough

    arangan pa sa province united kaau, davide allow himself to coordinate kay gwen for the sake of service, para lng jud ma unite to serve the people very well

  10. #20
    gusto niya maparehas og style sa IT Park, ambot og giunsa sa IT Park na ganahan man man sya ingon atoon sa VECO para safe

  11.    Advertisement

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