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  1. #1371

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    k raman mahadlok its normal raman hehehe.

  2. #1372

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by carmie
    Normal ra nang naay fears sa relationships? ....
    [color=navy]@carmie, it is normal to have fears about having relationships when one has been hurt before or seen others hurt by having trouble in their relationships.

    Often enough, fear is necessary. Caution is a virtue, a good thing to practice.

    Fear only becomes bad when it stops one from making the most of life, fear can be a trap, it can be a cage. And who wants to live in a cage? To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is beyond recall or desire*

    But fear is good when one knows to expect the worst yet hope for the best and thus prepare, become ready and mature to deal with any situation. To conquer one's fear is to know one's fear and realize it for what it is, just a fear. With knowledge, one can act and with action, one will live... and love.

    Here's hoping for the best in Life and in Love! :mrgreen:

    *[i]Eowyn, JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings -- Return of the King

  3. #1373

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    im in a relationship right now, 1 week palang gani mi, we've been into trouble na

  4. #1374

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by r0mm3L
    I'm in a relationship right now, 1 week palang gani mi, we've been into trouble na
    [color=navy]@romm3l, really bro? One week and your relationship is on the rocks? Could you please elaborate what sort of trouble or disagreement is it so as I and others can give you good advice that might work for your situation?

    But for now all I can say is please don't worry and don't take it seriously. Since its just been one week, relationships shouldn't start off with severity and seriousness.

    All relationships, I believe, start off with hope and happiness. Think of how your relationships with your parents began, didn't they take delight with you when you were a baby? How about your with your friends? Surely you started off as people coming together because you share the same interests, the same sort of fun?

    Especially, romance is supposedly to be a delightful thing, to excite, to make one smile. "Kilig" ba. You know? Everybody likes a romantic comedy. And like my Tatay Lolo always says, Laughter and Love mixed together makes the sweetest thing ever.

    Yes, romm3l, retreat, relax, reconsider-- and rent out the DVD of Van Wilder: Party Liaison. You'd learn the following words of wisdom and watch how to apply them.

    * can't treat every situation as a life-and-death matter because you'll die a lot of times. Write that down.

    *Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.


    *You shouldn't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive.

    --Van Wilder: Party Liaison, 2002

  5. #1375

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...


    unsa bro? hehehehe...ana gyud na bro di man gyud na nmo malikayan ng mga trouble sa manag uyab oi..normal ra nahh, ayaw lang gud mo padala sa inyong mga emotion nga mo resulta sa inyong break-up... pa ubos lan gud ta usahay bisan atong sayop.. ana lang nah..



    ani bro imong buhaton.. poor man gyud kaha inyong comm.. adto pangayo og info sa iyang family.. syaro pod wala kay close nga family members nila imagine 6 years mo nag na-a gyud cguro kay makuha-an og information nila bout sa imong gf,

    then ikaw na mismo ang mo hokom, lisod gyud ka ayo bro kong long distance nya sama anang wala ka ayo moy communication, lisod ka ayo na bro deli gyud na lalim nga mag to-o ta nga kamo pa nya diay to deli na.. pero wala man pod ta kahibaw kong unsa gyud ang rason sa imong gf, so before ka mo disisyon cguro-a sa kong maka ayo ba na para ninyong duha.. kong sa imong tan-aw nga mas ma ayo pang mag bulag mo para ma clear na imong mind sa mga pag duda nga na-a syay lain.. then why not.. kaysa mag cge ka huna2x sa inyong relationship.. kapoy ra ba ka ayo na in ana... deli na ta maka concentrate sa atong pang adlaw2x nga gimbuhaton...

    ayaw pod pag wish nga mamatay ang tanan girls.. hehehehe unsa-on nalang ng mga uban mga bo-otan diha.. ato nalang dawaton ang atong kahimtang nga gihatag sa kapalaran, kay di man gyud nato ma tag-an kong unsa gyud ang nag pa abot nato sa future, so dapat andam gyud ta kong unsay mahitabo.. sama sa imong problema karon... na-a pay daghan mo abot nga mas labaw pa unya ana.. be strong and ayaw pa wagtang sa imong pag laum.. think positive.... huna2x-a kong asa ka malipay.. ang mag bulag mo og mangita kag lain.. or mangita kag way nga mag istorya mo og klaro..kong unsay iyang rason...

    pero usahay baya bro mo samot kasakit kong maka hibaw ta kong unsa gyud ang tino-od, for example kong mahibaw-an nmo nga na-a na diay sya lain.. di ba sakit ka ayo.... mas ma ayo pang deli nalang ka makahibaw.. just leave it.... go on with ur life.....

    good luck bro...

  6. #1376

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by staT|c-X
    atakz...nana sad ko..wee...!!Ü

    ngayo kog advice beh..kong unsaon kuni..toink!Ü

    im now turning 19 thEn taKa na inLab koG 15 years OLd...hahahah!!!Ü

    Uhhmm...and ShA pud nAhaN pud Nako buT....SAman PAdoYOnon kUni or PALabYon Lang..?Ü

    kaY basIg unSA paLang e storya sa MGa taw bah..Ü

    para ninYO ang kanang 4 years gaP namo big deAL na Ayu na..?Ü

    dong static! unsa na sad ni imo gsudlan dong?1 hehe...
    corrupting fetus man ka woi..btaw seriously...ayaw sad nang ana ka bata seems to me like she's barely out of highschool. maybe you could go for somebody slightly older than her...

  7. #1377

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by babypaupau

    dong static! unsa na sad ni imo gsudlan dong?1 hehe...
    corrupting fetus man ka woi..btaw seriously...ayaw sad nang ana ka bata seems to me like she's barely out of highschool. maybe you could go for somebody slightly older than her...
    grabe naman sad nang corrupting fetus oi! hehehe k rah tuod na static basta dili lang ka mag drugs

  8. #1378

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by bokiratx
    hehehe k rah tuod na static basta dili lang ka mag drugs
    ^^Two sets of two words lang bro Stat|cX-- Jail bait and Statutory Rape--
    Here in the Philippines, rape is punishable by lifetime imprisonment or death by lethal injection.

    Better keep that in mind :mrgreen:

  9. #1379

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by diem
    ^^Two sets of two words lang bro Stat|cX-- Jail bait and Statutory Rape--
    Here in the Philippines, rape is punishable by lifetime imprisonment or death by lethal injection.

    Better keep that in mind :mrgreen:
    bitaw static k raman kung maibog ka sa batang yagit....padakua sa na siya oi kanang mutongtong nana siya ug 2nd year colledge kana k nana siya raipun este panguyaban diay

  10. #1380

    Default im inlove with my bestfrends ex-boyfrend.... am i stupid..?

    im nluv with my bestfrend's ex boyfrend....
    we both hated him after their break-up...
    but as days went by...
    i fell for her ex and up until now....
    i havent confess to her d real score between me and her ex....
    wat will i do...?

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