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you have some wrong computations there... yes its 80.26/hr... and x8 hrs... BUT.. the cutoff is say.. 10-26 and 26-10 or roughly 14 days ra.. excluding sat-sun... so that's 80.26 x 8 x 14 = we're talking around P 8,989 but that's excluding your RICE ALLOWANCE still of 500 and if your in billing, around 2,250 so mga all in all that's 11,739... now its going to be deducted w/ your PAGIBIG, TAX and SSS... which would tantamount to say around less than 9k all in all in your 20th or 5th payday.....
BUT I guess if your into billing and ma regular naka... you can earn a preshift OT or postshift OT for 150/day... so not bad I guess.. ghapon...