45 wpm
Can understand and know how to spell English words.
Can edit sentences to make it readable.
Can work 6 to 8 hours per day.
Can be paid through bank transfer (BPI) / western union / paypal.
45 wpm
Can understand and know how to spell English words.
Can edit sentences to make it readable.
Can work 6 to 8 hours per day.
Can be paid through bank transfer (BPI) / western union / paypal.
I can type more than 45 wpm
I can understand english
I know how to spell English words
I can edit what I hear and make a readable sentence
I can work 4-6 hours a day
Bank transfer/paypal
45 wpm
I can understand english well
knows how to spell English words
I can edit sentences and make it readable
I can work 4-6 hours a day
I have paypal account
Join today! Need more people!
45 - 60 wpm
I understand English words and able to type words that I hear.
4-5 hours a day
I have BPI account.
50 wpm
I am currently working in a BPO(Convergys) as a Chat Support Tech. I am well versed in English and my comprehension is above average.
I can work 4-6 hours/day.
I have an active PayPal account.
55 wpm
I understand English and good in English spelling.
I can edit sentences what I've heard.
4 - 6 hrs/day
I have Paypal account
Get on this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
45-60 wpm
I understand english and comprehend
Currently working as a chat support agent therefore I'm trained to be very good in spelling as well
Can offer 3-4 hours in a day
Have a BPI account
45 WPM
I understand English and good in English spelling.
I can edit sentences what I've heard.
5 to 7 hrs. per day
have Paypal account
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