The Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Cebu Business Month 2013 launched Cebu in the Bag - Island Madness Sale! This is Cebu's biggest sale of the year! with almost 100 partner merchants that will be giving away discounts, deals, sales and freebees for the month of June.
For more info please visit
We're also giving away prizes from our partners and sponsors. All you need to do is Like the facebook page and check out the simple, easy to join mechanics.
Highlight for the Cebu in the Bag: Island Madness Sale are world class furniture, home, gifts and accessories designers and exporters opening their doors for a bodega sale up to 80% OFF! Free shuttle service every weekend.
Great Cebu Tabo which will be on June 28-30 at the Islands Pasalubong (across Magellan's cross), a "tatak cebu" weekend market that features the best of Cebu's fresh produce, one town one product, food stalls, handicrafts and more. If you're interested to join the Tabo as a concessionaire leave a message on their facebook page.