My band ... The Deafening Colors:
None of the Other Ones Will Do - Video - YouTube
Soundcheck - The Deafening Colors - YouTube <<< random jam ..
My band ... The Deafening Colors:
None of the Other Ones Will Do - Video - YouTube
Soundcheck - The Deafening Colors - YouTube <<< random jam ..
Why pamper life's complexities when the leather runs smooth on the passenger seat?
aaahhh, indie pop diay. i thought they are "categorized" as "twee pop"![]()
murag ang twee pop kato ng mga bands nga naay 60's ang influence. katong mga cute kaayo tingog, kasagaran girls ang vocals. pero dili ko sure, jangly ang guitars nya british accent kasagaran. camera obscura, sambassadeur ug ang retro kaayo mga nawng 'the pipettes'. hehe
well, the bands that the ts mentioned on the 1st page are clearly 60's type influence. so they are twee in my vocabulary. imho, indie pop, which is a subgenre of indie rock is very broad. if you listen to interpol, joy division, the national, etc...etc, who are indie acts...then i'm sure, as the cocks will crow tomorrow, that you will be far from feeling gay/happy after listening to their music.![]()
teoding - bai kabantay ka sa manghud ni ely buendia nga babaye kato iya tirada murag twee pop? kalimot lang ko sa ngalan sa iya banda. naay pagka All Girl Summer fun band ug dating. also, naa mo nahibaw-an mga filipino twee pop bands? murag katong pin up girls ug boldstar. mao to ako nakit-an sa tv sa una.
nindot ang moscow olympics mura foreigner. daydream cycle kay nindot sd.
kinsa nai nakadungog sa bag-o album sa my bloody valentine nga "mbv"? unsay inyo ikasulti?
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