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  1. #611

    Quote Originally Posted by technowar View Post
    I think you misunderstood the point. Mao bitaw naa'y 'update' kay para ma fix ang flaws sa previous version and/or at the same time madungagan ug features. If ingon ana, I don't see why dli ka mo update. Its like applying changes to oneself.

    With regards to OS errors nga imo gipang mention, wala pa man ko nakasugat ana so I really can't comment on that. Maybe, just maybe, nag update kag phone nga nka carrier lock in which kailangan pa kag software para ma unlock ang phone. If a buyer is wise enough, ngano mopalit man kag nka carrier lock? OR, wala lang kay talent sa pag jailbreak? The guides are simple enough for a 5th grader to understand. I mean, I'm just saying. No pun intended.
    as what i have stated... right now dli nako mo dawat ug jailbreak sa iOS... and sa old iphone dli man sya ganahan sa latest os kay wala pman jailbreak. mao download ug old/not latest OS... pero inig install i check pah sa itunes then after that fail.. there is an error or whatsoever. tried everything like redirecting the IP of itunes then another error comes out.
    you need to be connected to the iternet to install/flash an OS you cant do it offline. you need to open some application. i dont think so if a 5th grader can understand that... do you have proof that the 5th grader can jailbreak an iphone by just following any tutorial on the net.

    in samsung you can install/flash the firmware even you are offline. you can flash a rom using the internal/external memory.

    my motorola L6 7years still alive and i did customize it.

    and then for the iOS dli man nahan ug latest os kay wala jailbreak especially you live in a jailbroken iphone. basta there are instances that you dont need the latest OS.

    - - - Updated - - -

    mao nah sya gi tawag ug lahi ug pamaagi ang mga phone manufacturer and also ang pag install sa OS/firmware. i find it hasol ang iphone. thats it.

  2. #612
    important feature na diay na karon ang pagkadugay nga modepreciate sa phones? LOLOLOL

    what's the point of bringing that up. pagka na lang gyud

    the closed ecosystem is something that i hate from Apple in general, not just iPhones. and from the recent looks of it, sila na ron ang nagplaying catch-up with Android. some of the features na karon lang nila gi-implement sa iOS7 kay dugay nang naa sa Android and Windows. and then the nerve of these people both Apple and their dumb fanatics to call it innovation LOLOLOL

    now recent reports say that Apple is considering larger screens for their iPhones (4.7" to 5.7") and even thinking of coming up with "cheaper" iPhones. this is an interesting development considering Steve Jobs used to say that the iPhone during his time was already the PERFECT size and Apple isn't exactly known for CHEAP

    and then there's that other issue of them just needlessly suing Samsung and other companies for ridiculously generic patents such as the shape of the icons, buttons, etc. interestingly enough, these concepts have long existed even before Apple came up with the first iPhone.

    so yeah there's a lot of good reasons to hate on Apple for being a big fat bully who's afraid of competition in the smartphone world. i'm so glad that Android took off and became big. i'm also hoping for Windows and other mobile OS'es to continue to develop to give more competition

    more competition is better for us consumers which is what should matter the most. brand loyalty be damned. it only creates zombies like the iTards

  3. #613
    lol i really find ur terms amusing.. as if you own one of those companies.. hahahaha

    in the end.. ma open or close ang ecosystem.. kita ra gihapon ang users. ato ra gihapon kwarta ang ilang makuha.. sila ra gihapon ang ni gain..

    if i were to ask you, unsa may na gain nimo sa imong "smartphone?" call and text? custom roms? personalized tones? display?

    fully customized?

    my nokia 3310 can do all those pero di lagi i compare sa ios? or android?

    lol...a prisoner of your own fantasy?

  4. #614
    ngano man d ai unsa man d ai gamit sa iphone mao rman sad nah iya gamit... jailbreak, install apps, games, wifi, video... depende naman na sa user how they use their smartphone. im my part nagamit jud nako ang ako smartphone... sa ako trabaho, docs nako... naa nana ang games/entertainment...

    then mao man sad jud nah ang target sa mga manufacturer karon...

  5. #615
    i use my iphone for video call gani.. facetime.

    naa ba built in video call for android aside sa network video call?(or basin wa ka kahibaw nga pwd mag video call using 3g network sa samsungs, motos and the like)

    mao ra jud ako main reason why i choose the ios over the overrated s4.

  6. #616
    Marcial, don't you think you generalize too much? Kung maglisod ka, that doesn't mean maglisod tanan tao. And/or if naay d ganahan sa OS kay wala'y jailbreak, that doesn't mean tanan kay mag jailbreak. Kung buot nimong huna2on, you won't brick your phone if mag jailbreak lang ka alone, but that's not a guarantee on rooting yours. That doesn't mean also nga ikaw sayunan mag root sa phone, sayon na for everyone else. Like I said, if you read the guides carefully kay dali ra kaayo. Works well with jailbreak and rooting.

    Eyemesem, what does closed ecosystem means to you? If you don't mind me asking. Which PC OS and mobile OS do you prefer? And for the rest of your comments, they're rumors as of this very moment so there is no need to bring that up in this argument because they're useless. You still have no grounds for your basis.

    EDIT 1

    Actually, ang mga features gidungag ron ni Ive kay naa na way back iPhone 3G. Though you need to jailbreak your phone, just like how to customize your Android devices. Dili na siya pasabot nga nag gukod ang Apple. It's already there, Forstall just chose to ignore it.

    And, names. Just look at you.
    Last edited by technowar; 06-14-2013 at 08:26 AM.

  7. #617
    Junior Member
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    May 2013
    because Apple tends to patent every technology there is claiming that they're the ones who invented it. and if you look closely on iOS 7, its just a mere photocopy of Palm's webOS..

  8. #618
    Everything started with the webOS. So yeah, basically everyone copies webOS.

  9. #619
    Elite Member Manok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eyemesem View Post
    important feature na diay na karon ang pagkadugay nga modepreciate sa phones? LOLOLOL

    what's the point of bringing that up. pagka na lang gyud

    the closed ecosystem is something that i hate from Apple in general, not just iPhones. and from the recent looks of it, sila na ron ang nagplaying catch-up with Android. some of the features na karon lang nila gi-implement sa iOS7 kay dugay nang naa sa Android and Windows. and then the nerve of these people both Apple and their dumb fanatics to call it innovation LOLOLOL

    now recent reports say that Apple is considering larger screens for their iPhones (4.7" to 5.7") and even thinking of coming up with "cheaper" iPhones. this is an interesting development considering Steve Jobs used to say that the iPhone during his time was already the PERFECT size and Apple isn't exactly known for CHEAP

    and then there's that other issue of them just needlessly suing Samsung and other companies for ridiculously generic patents such as the shape of the icons, buttons, etc. interestingly enough, these concepts have long existed even before Apple came up with the first iPhone.

    so yeah there's a lot of good reasons to hate on Apple for being a big fat bully who's afraid of competition in the smartphone world. i'm so glad that Android took off and became big. i'm also hoping for Windows and other mobile OS'es to continue to develop to give more competition

    more competition is better for us consumers which is what should matter the most. brand loyalty be damned. it only creates zombies like the iTards

    These make sense.

  10. #620
    Quote Originally Posted by burn777 View Post
    i use my iphone for video call gani.. facetime.

    naa ba built in video call for android aside sa network video call?(or basin wa ka kahibaw nga pwd mag video call using 3g network sa samsungs, motos and the like)

    mao ra jud ako main reason why i choose the ios over the overrated s4.
    i'd have to agree with this..

    there's no app in the Playstore right now that's as smooth and convenient as Facetime..

    Not even Skype..

    that's why i got myself an ipad mini

    P.S.: and no, the s4 is not overrated, it's one hell of a beast as long as you know how to use it fully.

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