dghan na ba RPG sa 3DS? or weak ba gihapon?
so far akong ganahan kay ang bravery default ra among sa lista
dghan na ba RPG sa 3DS? or weak ba gihapon?
so far akong ganahan kay ang bravery default ra among sa lista
RPG you say?
1. Tales of the Abyss 3D
2. Paper Mario
3. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
4. Monster Hunter 4 (to be released)
5. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last reward (also available for PS VITA)
6. Shin Megami Tensei DS Over clocked ( a very good game)
7. Shin Megami Tensei 4 (to be released either june or july, not so sure on the month)
8. Pokemon X / Pokemon Y
9. Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of titan ( a good dungeon crawler RPG)
10. Rune Factory 4
11. Harvest Moon: A new begining
12 Heroes of Ruin (the first MMORPG for 3DS)
13. Shin Megami Tense: Soul Hackers (the 2nd of the tensei game to be released ONLY IN THE U.S. this year)
I doubt if the line up is weak but If you have the means to afford the games the 3DS is a very good portable gaming machine. I am so tempted to ask if PS VITA has more than 13 RPG games he he he but since I own a vita, I KNOW what I know he he
Last edited by mraljoriz; 06-04-2013 at 12:09 PM.
Don't forget Fire Emblem Awakening! aka the best RPG on the 3DS. There's also Unchained Blades and Crimson Shroud.
and I wouldn't count VLR as an RPG, because it is a visual novel.
Considering the 3DS is currently the preferred handheld of Japan, there are already and there will be more upcoming jRPGs on the 3DS. What we need is localizations.
I bought a Vita just for P4 Golden. That game is worth 13 RPGs. hehe
PERSONA 4: Golden is a good RPG but to say that its worth 1 RPGS is too much. Personally play all those games then igna kong bakakun if ang imo play time if 10x more than P4G.
But I agree P4G is the cream of the crop for PS VITA despite being a port of a 5 year old game.
Last edited by mraljoriz; 06-08-2013 at 10:30 AM.
The “worth 13 RPGs” part is half meant as a joke, hence the “hehe”. hehe
P4G was just sooo good, that I’d say it’s worth more than just 1 jRPG (but not worth more than 5). I didn’t have the chance to play it on the PS2, so playing P4G last year was a really good experience. Even more so with the fact that it’s a port of a 5 year old game that easily surpasses the quality of most jRPGs I have played in the last 5 years.
I have personally only played FE Awakening, SMT Overclocked, and EO4. And I plan to get Rune Factory 4 and SMT 4 when it releases. And yes, I agree; even with only these 5 games, it surpasses P4G + any jRPGs for the Vita. There’s not much options on the Vita, to begin with.
Hey, remember when Persona was included in a list of games that will be on the Nintendo 3DS, during E3 2010? We haven’t had any updates on this.
Although I’m fine with Atlus’ current stance to have Persona on Sony platforms and the mainline Shin Megami Tensei on Nintendo platforms, I wonder if they’ll push through with developing the Persona brand on the 3DS. I once thought Persona is tied to Sony platforms because Sony was involved in the production of the Persona anime, however E3 2010 disproved that. The absence of news regarding Persona on the 3DS may translate to Atlus shelving the idea... but hey, it's nice to want things.
naa may shin megami tensei 4 coming but I am not certain kay murag parehas man ang persona og shin megami ... naa jud similarities.
Did anyone else get Satoru Iwata in Mii Plaza?He dropped by everyone's plazas, giving a reminder for pre E3 nintendo direct
SInce E3, ive been visited by lots of special mii..
that's even better so you can complete most tiles in Puzzle Swap
guys where ang pnka barato na palitan 3ds xl and how much? and naa na bundle like if mu palit ko sa unit with free game?
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