Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater
(Lasiodora parahybana)
The Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater is one of the largest tarantula species in the world! This tarantula is an active and robust tarantula species. The Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater is a relatively fast growing species, reaching lengths of up to 6 inches in just 1 year! This tarantula is a very good eater as well, and will rarely turn down a cricket, or any other live food item. You may think that these tarantulas are expensive, or even hard to find, but this is not the case. Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeaters have many spiderlings at a time, sometimes over 2000, which makes them readily available, and inexpensive. Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeaters don't burrow much nor do they make large webs, making them very good display tarantulas. The Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater is the ideal tarantula species for intermediate or advanced keepers, and should be in all serious tarantula collections!.
Range Tropical rainforests of eastern Brazil.
Type Terrestrial.
Diet Spiderlings eat pinhead crickets, and other small insects. Adults eat crickets, other large insects, small lizards, pinkie mice, and an occasional fuzzy mouse.
Full Grown Size 7.5 to 10 inches.
Growth Fast speed.
Temperature 75 to 85° F.
Humidity 78 to 82%. All tarantulas that have at least a 3" legspan may drink from a shallow, wide water dish.
Temperament Semi-aggressive and active.
Housing Spiderlings can live in a clear plastic deli-container with air holes. Adults can live in a 10 to 20-gallon tank. Floor space is more important than height.
Substrate 3 to 5 inches of peat moss, or potting soil.
Decor Logs, driftwood, cork bark, etc. make good hiding places. Moss can be added for floor cover.
Other Names Brazilian Salmon Pink Tarantula, Brazilian Salmon Pink Bird Eating Tarantula, Salmon Pink Birdeater, Salmon Pink Bird Eating Tarantula, Salmon Pink Tarantula, Brazilian Pink Haired Birdeater, and Brazilian Pink Haired Bird Eating Tarantula.