45 wpm
I can understand English
I can spell English words correctly.
Can edit sentences to make it readable
I can spend six (6) hours per day
bank transfer
45 wpm
I can understand English
I can spell English words correctly.
Can edit sentences to make it readable
I can spend six (6) hours per day
bank transfer
Hi I am Ivy, I can type 45 WPM or more, understands English words, knows how to spell English words, has good listening skills and can edit what I hear so that sentences that I write are very readable. I can devote 4 hours of my time per day for home projects. You can pay me through my BPI savings account. I am looking forward for this application that I have. Thank you and God Bless.
I can type 45 wpm
I know how to spell English words
I can work 5-6 hours PER DAY
I have Paypal
Need more applicants.
I can type 50-55 wpm
I can understand english
knows to spell English words
I can work 7 hours per day
BPI savings account
i have experience in medical transcription
Need more people
I can type a minimum of 45WPM, I understand english, I know how to spell english words, I can edit what I hear so sentences are more readable, minimum of 5 hrs a day, I have paypal account.
45 wpm
can understand english words
I know how to spell english words
i can edit what I hear so the sentences I write are very readable
4-10 hrs.
I still need to renew my paypal.
- - - Updated - - -
+50 Wpm
Know English and type English
Best spelling
I can edit what I hear, the sentences I write are very readable
+7 hours
Got paypal
Please apply now
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