Sus kung ang Sulu ug tawi-tawi kay naa palang na nabutang sa norte, kurog man gyud ang itlog aning mga insika bah...
Sus kung ang Sulu ug tawi-tawi kay naa palang na nabutang sa norte, kurog man gyud ang itlog aning mga insika bah...
hagbay ra pud na cla ming dapig sa mga instik brad.. kblo nka. kwarta ra palihok tanan.. kblo nka (Mostly) sa mga instik kusog kaayo mo negotiate under the table.. unya dli pud nako generalize tnan Muslim ha but base ni sko experience ra pud kay tga Zamboanga mn ko.. og yes most of them mo dapig na cla asa cla mkakwarta..![]()
OT: as i said bro personal experience lng nako ni so wala ko reason mkig-argue about Muslim.. and i don't know sa imo if asa ka nagBASE. pero kini akoa inaana gyud na cla but not all mn pud.. most of them lng maybe cgro tungod sa kalisud kinabuhi sa Mindanao og maskin unsa pa na cla TRIBU magkahiusa mn na cla kung unsa'y sulti sa ila leader.. although sometimes mag-una'y sad na cla kung naa'y conflict.
Bring the yakans to the affected areas
to settle things, ang singkit nga mata mobudlat gyud na.
TAIPEI - Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou stressed Thursday in an interview with Kyodo News he wants to see relations between Taiwan and the Philippines restored quickly.
The comment came as relations with Manila have been strained for weeks over the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine Coast Guard last month.
"The Republic of China government is peace-loving and dedicated to resolving the dispute peacefully," Ma told Kyodo News. "The Taiwan-Japan fisheries agreement can serve as a fine example for reference."
The shooting incident took place May 9 when a 65-year-old Taiwanese fisherman was killed as a Philippine Coast Guard vessel fired on his boat about 170 nautical miles off the southeastern coast of Taiwan in an area where exclusive economic zones claimed by Taipei and Manila overlap.
Taiwanese officials soon issued a harshly worded ultimatum demanding a formal apology from the Philippine government, compensation for the fisherman's family, punishment of those responsible and the start of talks on a bilateral fisheries pact.
Taiwan also ejected the Philippines' top diplomatic official and imposed sanctions including the suspension of visas for Filipino workers
Taiwan president eyes fishing deal with Philippines | ABS-CBN News
Luoya sa atong PCG kung madayun ni.
Kaso vs tauhan ng PCG na sangkot sa engkwentro sa Balintang Channel, pinag-aaralan | Balitanghali | GMA News Online
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