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  1. #1

    Default Used "by D:SIGN" 15" LCD TV (REPRICED)

    Used "by D:SIGN" 15" LCD TV

    **wala ni built in tuner so can only be used as a TV if iconnect sa cable box - we're with sky cable
    (despite that pwede ra kaayo ni magamit as PC monitor.. working fine as seen in the pictures)

    **with built in DVD player (di mobasa sa among DVD mga garas na kaayo gud but it was tested A-OK pagpalit nako gitest man daan.. so as defective lang ni nga part)

    **110Volts - pakapinan nako ug computer AVR nga naay 110V socket

    **no remote (pwede ra ni universal remote)


    i prefer pickup diri sa amo punta princesa pwede ra pud meetup robinsons or downtown

    RFS: larga nako tomorrow and won't be needing this anymore. getting rid of stuff

  2. #2
    saka ta ginagmay

  3. #3
    saka ta ginagmay...

  4. #4
    saka ta ginagmay...

  5. #5
    saka ta ginagmay...

  6. #6
    saka ta gamay.. larga na hapit.. palit namo..

  7.    Advertisement

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