Unya ganahan mo makig-kauban sa imo tapad nga bintahoso kaayo unya kung makatalikod ka hinay-hinayin diay ka luba?!ad2 nlng ko sa layo atleast cgrado ko.
I don't like commies,
they are bullies of the region, perhaps they would
try to make the whole countries in the south china painted
in red, I could say I like a lot my freedom, to hell with them and their ideology.
I think there's an element of racism or perhaps just lingering colonial mentality in these kinds of post. Taiwan is a democratic capitalist nation, just like the U.S. China is a non-democratic but capitalist nation. Malaysia, another country we like to bash in our pro-U.S. obsessed country is also a democratic capitalist state just like the U.S.
The fact of the matter is this, whether you agree with the ideologies of countries around us or not, our country must find a way to get along with our neighbors, as friends if possible. wWe won't be able to rely on Uncle Sam forever, and within our lifetime, a sea-change in geopolitics is happening. Power is moving east, at first economic and followed shortly by military dominance. It won't be necessary for Asian nations to match American military might to deter their involvement in the region. We have already seen how a small insurgency in Iraq has nearly brought the American economy to its knees. Imagine conflict on a much larger scale. What people like you are dreaming of is a time long past, it is no longer a reality today and will become less so in the future. Regional cooperation and friendship is vital for all countreis in Asia, not just the Philippines. Anyone who denies this, is an ignorant stuck in the vestiges of the oast while the dawning future is before them.
wala man unta sala ang coast guard unta dile lng jd ka dawat ang taiwan na gi gayonon ra patay kai ni sulod sa territory![]()
I could get your point about colonial mentality
when my point is freedom from influences from other country's belief and ideology,
what kind of get along do you wish for, bow towards what they wanted, to foster their country's agenda
and make ours an inferior interest to theirs, you are way out of your mind if that's the case.
What do you think is the stance of China nowadays do you think it's friendly,
what a joke. This time do not tell me your famous line about not listening to you, for I think what you blab
is not worth-ed at all.![]()
Well, don't be too happy about those new acquisitions as we won't be able to match a coast guard cutter against a military vessel. And for those that are hoping that good ole Uncle Sam's navy will come in for the rescue if the proverbial $hit hits the fan, think again.
Read more here...Unchallenged for decades, and facing budget cuts, the U.S. Navy risks losing its capability to challenge the PLA in its near seas.
The Chinese navy's surface forces are on the march. Destroyers, frigates, corvettes, fast-attack craft, and, most recently, the newly commissioned aircraft carrier comprise the surface fleet. Over the past two decades, the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLA Navy) has put to sea four Sovremenny-class guided-missile destroyers procured from Russia, along with ten new classes of indigenously built destroyers and frigates. Some of the latter ship types have entered serial production, adding mass to the fleet. This is an impressive feat by any standard.
The PLA Navy's metamorphosis from a coastal defense force into a modern naval service has riveted the attention of the U.S. defense community. In 2009 the Office of Naval Intelligence — a body not known for hyperbole — described the advances of China's surface fleet as "remarkable." Similarly, the Pentagon's most recent annual report on Chinese military power notes the "robust" buildup of PLA Navy major combatants since 2008.
The Liaoning carrier understandably captures the public imagination. But the true vanguard of the PLA Navy's prowess will be its surface combatants — the workhorses of any navy — that will make China's turn to the seas felt in maritime Asia and beyond. In the coming years, these warships will serve as pickets guarding the carrier, project power on their own in surface action groups, maintain a visible presence in disputed waters, defend good order at sea in distant theaters, and conduct naval diplomacy around the world.
Deleterious Neglect: Will the U.S. Navy Surrender Maritime Asia? | The Diplomat
I don't think your point is really to be free from other country's belief and ideology, I think your point is you want no influence from China because of your personal hatred and belief that they are "commies". I don't see you crying abut American influence on our culture, so I'm making this presumption.
You can also get along with your neighbors without bowing down to them... right?
What's a joke to me is to blow out of proportion territorial disputes and imagine an invasion is going to happen. Come on.. that's ridiculous. You can have territorial disputes and still get along with each other. China and India have overlapping claims too, and each side has de facto control on territory that belongs to the other side. But in a recent joint statement the leaders of these two countries swore not to let these disputes affect good relations between the two countries.and make ours an inferior interest to theirs, you are way out of your mind if that's the case.
What do you think is the stance of China nowadays do you think it's friendly,
what a joke.
Where did I say this, or did you imagine it or misread my post. "What you blab is not worth-ed at all" LOL.. whatever, man.This time do not tell me your famous line about not listening to you, for I think what you blab
is not worth-ed at all.![]()
Anyway why are we talking about commies? Do you think Taiwan is commie?
Last edited by monroy; 05-23-2013 at 10:11 PM.
Oh, that is why that we should work on our diplomacy, or the lack thereof... Just imagine, iirc, most of our neighbors are pissed off at us in one way or the other... There must be something wrong here, surely we can do better...![]()
So you wish to twist my statement about this commie state who is acting to own the entire south china sea,I don't think your point is really to be free from other country's belief and ideology, I think your point is you want no influence from China because of your personal hatred and belief that they are "commies". I don't see you crying abut American influence on our culture, so I'm making this presumption.
yes I hate them not because they are commies, but because of their act.
Yup, no problem as long as they would not bully you,You can also get along with your neighbors without bowing down to them... right?
taking what you have and show force to intimidate,
So if the territory is still under dispute, why are they there making structures, bringing in warships?What's a joke to me is to blow out of proportion territorial disputes and imagine an invasion is going to happen. Come on.. that's ridiculous. You can have territorial disputes and still get along with each other. China and India have overlapping claims too, and each side has de facto control on territory that belongs to the other side. But in a recent joint statement the leaders of these two countries swore not to let these disputes affect good relations between the two countries.
could you explain why?
I think I'm quite cool,Where did I say this, or did you imagine it or misread my post. "What you blab is not worth-ed at all" LOL.. you seem butthurt. And yeah, what I say isn't "worthed" at all that's why you replied to it. V. funny.
you even said that you have your own opinion I have mine
and I should leave you with your opinion,
but sadly you've change it.pathetic.
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