12-0 the world must be crazy part 5 ? we all know there are many competent people in the TU team for me joker , defensor, zuibiri,angara,pitcahy,recto and even magsaysay i hope these people will win. but 12-0 are totally nuts, absurd nonsensical pice of crap,
Chavit singson no1 ni magundanao what the

waaa sultan kiram no 13 holy cow i know this is too obvious and a bad strategy i hope it wont back fire its a big gamble ok some facts here,
The ampatuans ruled maguindanao province with iron hand , and right now no body no one could rival them or even get closed as a one political power house warlord in the country today some say it could even eclipse the fearsome warlord of the late ali dimaporo of lanao at it's peak days had its own army equipped with high powered rifles, machine guns,bazokaas you name it and even armored personel carriers. now that clan is a fading political power today in lanao but in the 60s and 70s during marcos years that man's word is the law in its area.
Make no mistake the draconian measures use by the ampatuans to rule that province seems with irony in these democratic country the only way to make some progress both political and economically in maguindanao province of course at the expense of the universal rights.
BUt just like in bagdad with sunnis and shiite's cutting each other's throats only Saddam could make it run like a city no one could and nobody can maybe in 10 years someone may rise up. BUSh and blair knows it but its a mystery why with all their brains, still invaded and executed saddam instead of iran with its former hostage taker president (though at the time a lowy mayor of tehran) which pose more threat to their western being.
By playing their cards well the ampatuans phenomenal rise gradually unite many of the top violently warlord clans in the area and manage to forge solid alliances with them the sinsuats,magundatus.pendatuns,birruars,midtimbangs ,tomawis,etccc, these political cards aces includes , support the incumbent national leader rule from ramos to erap to gloria today, display of almighty power(without power and guns you wont get respect), and being pro- government (the candaos and mastura clan use to be the power house in the area but being more symphatetic to the MILFs and other rebel groups and espousing the ideology of another separate state they lost goverment support in the 90s and up to now.
Lording with all the warlords in the area no one can speak against their word at least in their domain.Almost all the employes in every government brach agencies are inter related brother,cousins even the local police and the thousand of cafgus and cvos serving with them. There are only two exceptions the could freely speak the 6 INTRY Div and the MILF fighters in the area but even these brutes have limitation not even media could dare talk about press freedom it's a toilet paper every perspicacious reporter will have shivers right down to their spine entertaning this toilet paper idea. Eid kabaul MILF spokesman said in abs cbn that there is no election in maguindanao hehehe throughout all time maybe even forever this man is lying to its teeth always is becuase thats is his job being the spokesman of the rebel group damn he must be out of his mind he's talking with some sense and truth now.
NOw clearly your going to have idea how the 12-0 tu vote was achieve of course its a command order vote you dont have any choice! thats the negative aspect but look at the brighterside.what do they care about dirty turd politics in manila their's the local agenda must be the priority , they need funds for developement in the area,for projects, without funds no power and guns too without these no respect. Before adminstration bets always win in the area the national incumbent rule applies but playing safe in case the latter will win its well divided votes 8-4 or 7-5 but they saw something in manila for the past years something what they searching for and could infer with utmost strength, show any sign of weakness they will abandon you but show them these they will follow you like some kiss ass alexander the great.