well, dili pud ma-deny that in the earlier Marcos administration, our country was at its most prosperous. He did something right. It may be better to celebrate the good, rather than the bad. Learn from both. Basin makatabang pa nato karon para mo-prosperous ta balik. And really, Marcos was not responsible for all the bad that happened. It was a whole team of people at the top.
Apila na lang pud ang mga gagmayng taw who felt cheated and struggled for what they could get as well. Dili ra dagkong pulitiko ang kurakot. Look at the lowly employee at the PNP, LTO, etc., nga mangutong. they're not as powerful as politicians pero kurakot gihapon in the same essence of the word. (my experience - nagpahimo ko affidavit sa police kay gikawat akong bag. gamiton nako para pagkuha bag-ong ATM cards, IDs, etc. nangutana ang police unsa akong trabaho. nangayo kwarta

) the whole society is sick