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  1. #1

    Default Post your indie/not quite popular game recommendations here. I'll start.


    Terraria is a sandbox action/adventure RPG. The game features exploration, crafting, construction, and combat with a variety of creatures in a randomly generated world. It has similarities to Minecraft but it's in 2-D. I find this very addicting played it for 400++ hours. It also has multiplayer and mod support.

    Bay 12 Games: Dwarf Fortress

    Dwarf Fortress is a rogue-like, part city-building FREEWARE video game set in a procedurally-generated universe in which the player takes control of a group of dwarves and attempts to construct a successful and wealthy mountainhome. The game is mostly presented in "extended ASCII" graphics. The gameplay is extremely deep and complex. It has mod support. If you wanna try the game, try the "lazy newb pack" mod.


    If you find Dwarf Fortress too hard to comprehend then I recommend it's milder, better looking younger brother, Gnomoria.
    Gnomoria is a sandbox village management game where you help lead a small group of gnomes. You can mine for resources, craft, build structures, etc.

    FTL: Faster Than Light
    FTL: Faster Than Light

    FTL is a top down rogue-like space strategy sim. You control the crew of a single spacecraft. The games has one of the best replay values.

    To the Moon

    To the moon is more of a visual novel than a game. The game only lasts about 4 hours, but I'll confidently say that this is one of the best 4 hours of my 20-year gaming experience. This is the 2nd game that got me in tears (1st was Chrono Trigger). I'll rank the story and writing to be one of the best in the gaming industry (it won Gamespot's 2011 best story award) and it is complimented by amazing music. If you like games for their story, then I highly recommend this.

  2. #2
    are all of these games on the PC Platform?

  3. #3
    android games ni?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by aljy View Post
    android games ni?
    Quote Originally Posted by shagrath_99 View Post
    are all of these games on the PC Platform?
    These are all PC games. They also run very well on low-ended machines like my dual core and integrated graphics

  5. #5
    SMB and castle crashers

  6. #6
    You mean "homebrew" right?

    The DC also got a couple of them. Feel free to google them:
    Beats of Rage
    Last Hope

    Some other misc. indie games worth mentioning. "Indie" in the sense nga wala kau kahibalo nga tao ni nila:
    Nowhere (Mobile Phones)
    ASCII RPG Maker (SNES) <---the original japanese cart one.
    Oniken (PC)
    RosenkreuzStilette (PC)
    Daraku Tenshi: The Fallen Angels (Arcade)
    Gunlord 2012 (NegGeo/DC)
    Jets N' Guns (PC/Linux)

    That's all I could think of.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by runforthehills View Post
    You mean "homebrew" right?

    These aren't homebrew but you can post homebrew games if you want.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by igibouy View Post
    These aren't homebrew but you can post homebrew games if you want.
    Well in that case, here's some games that didn't get the attention they deserved (well, at least from the Cebu gaming scene anyway). Some old, some new. Mostly originals (i.e "dili homebrew")
    Wa koi sure pero I think kabaw ang uban ani nila. . ."some" lang:

    Wonder Project J (SNES ver.)
    The Rumble Fish
    Power Instinct series (All)
    Rakugaki Showtime
    Journey Trilogy (PS3)
    Forbidden Siren 1 & 2 (not including the PS3 remake)
    Agressors of Dark Kombat
    Fighter’s History Dynamite: Karnov’s Revenge
    Sunsoft VS Saga: Galaxy Fight / Waku Waku 7 / Astra Superstars
    Anything from Irem
    Disaster Report and Raw Danger
    Fahrenheit (aka Indigo Prophecy)
    Anything Vic Tokai produces
    Anything that Suda51 produces
    Anything that Noise Factory produces

    check 'em all out.


  9. #9
    These games haven't been released yet but I'm looking out for them.

    Anyway these are my recommendations. I love these type of games that have very addicting gameplay mechanincs.

  10. #10
    how to know if it's an indie game or not? ang King's Bounty indie game ni xa?

    King's Bounty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    if it is then, this is one of the best.

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