No. Motorcycle riders are already treated unfairly. Cars are used to transport weapons and drugs by big-time criminals and yet are rarely stopped at checkpoints. Motorcycles represent affordable and popular transportation and as such should be afforded due respect.
vest with plate? wala na'y laing lugar mabutangan?
not a problem to me. but what concerns me is the effectivity of the product.
what happens when you have a backride. plate no. seems hidden.
mora mani binoang dili gani sila ka badlong sa wa mag helmet (specially mga pulis) nya naa npud ni...badlunga sa cguro ni mga motor na mo counter flow og kanang ang siko ang butangan og helmet instead sa ulo kay diha ang disgrasya permi..
to all people here who has a friend/family member who works for the LTO/PNP, please tell them "go f**k yourselves" from me...
motorcycle riders really are treated UNFAIRLY...and this is just UN-goddamned-JUSTIFIED...
buhat2x ug balaod nga mag-consider sa kahasol!
yawa...sauna, ipang-bilin raning helmet....karon, pisting yawa nag sigeg dala2x....
ang mga mall pod, di pod manawat binlan ug helmet....
a problem for me...why?
- second, as you put it...mawala ang purpose kung naa'y backride...
- third, for a daily driver, i will need to buy more than 1 vest...alangan nga maabogan/mabasa/mabaho mana...
awa ra gud ang ang pisting ICC....asa naman ang inspection ron? sukad pag-sugod sa balaod, 1 time rako kasugat ug inspection sa LTO...
usa napod nis mga balaod nga WAY SULOD SA HUNA-HUNA ANG KAHASOL UG KAGASTO....
i tell you, kung mo-dayon ning in-ani nationwide, 1 ray supplier ani.....................nya parente/amigo sa LTO/PNP head...........................
kauban nis mga Early Warning Device sauna nga bisan gikan gawas ug pasado sa sa standards sa tibook kalibutan PERO DI KAPASAR SA LTO.....
Vest with plate ug matching Helmet with plate in coordinate colors... go![]()
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