HOY mga peeps. Basta maka-apil ko pohun sa meet-ups kay ako libre ug beer.LOL
paki post inyo sched lisud mag coordinate of meet ups, maybe I should let someone coordinate muna.
So many games rolling for 3ds this year... wohoo..
you can try Luigi's Mansion 2 bro, anyway I predict that Pokemon X & Y could be the overkill move by Nintendo this year. They will be topping on charts around the world for sure and can surpass ds sooner... kru kru kru jd ang psvita hahah
I am so looking forward to Bravely Default.. next year
The 12 Best Games on the 3DS
1. Fire Emblem
2. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon ( a good game that NO ONE played)
3. Ketzal's corridors (e-shop download only)
4. Kid Icarus 3ds
5. Zelda Ocarina of time 3ds
6. Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
7. Mario Kart 7
8. New Super Mario Bros.2
9. Prof Layton and the Miracle Mask
10. Pusho (e-shop download only)
11. Resident Evil Revelations (Only P1,050 or $20 via E-shop download but you need at least 2G free space on your SD card)
12. Super Mario Land 3D
Kinsay naka palit na og Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon? Naay club nintendo code? Asa pud ninyo napalit?
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