Originally Posted by
Good point, but I don't think the main reason the declined attendance in the Catholic church it's because of the existence of malls and/or televised mass. AFAIK, most of the malls' business hours on Sunday doesn't start around 10 am and traditional church hours is around 6 am-8 am. It's just karon na nga uban church nga mag misa every hour aron daghan kwarta ma kuha. Even in most churches are offering mass every hour, why the attendance is still declining?
try going to church ANYTIME on Sundays and youll find out its standing room only.

that's why almost priests has to conduct 4-6 masses EACH on Sundays.

Originally Posted by
... no one goes to church anymore.
at least this is a LIE.

Originally Posted by
People especially the youth are now enlightened to the reality and weakens this insurance company masquerading as religious organization.
seriously? enlightened to what reality? haha.
Hmm... at some point I guess you might have studied in a Catholic school run by the Catholic Church where you have been TRULY enlightened and educated.

Originally Posted by
They want to destroy the influence of social media because they got exposed because of it! After series of getting exposed, nawala na ilang mga credibility. Pataka na lang ug yawit sa ilang wali against the government, RH Bill, ug butang pa ug posters TEAM PATAY, TEAM BUHAY outside sa simbahan. Turn-off kaayo!

Yes, ARBITRARY morality at your hands. The Church has its own way of looking at things not necessarily in line with what we PERSONALLY believe.
and yes, you want to mold the church according to what you believe. then why not start your own church?

Originally Posted by
You see... religion unified people and that's how the business started. Ironically, social media as well unifies people. Destroying the competition is just the only way to go for them - but social media let you check the other side of the story.
"social network" is just a passing fad. it will be gone SOON anyways but the church will remain as it has for 2000 years.

Originally Posted by
Back in the day, the Catholic Church banned the presentation of plays. Dili kay wala na'y manimba, it's because at the time they claimed nga it's the work of the devil kuno kay actors are liars and deceivers. This destroyed classical theatre for thousands of years until the Renaissance.
Uh-oh. This is FALSE. look at history bro. research on what is the basis why "some" plays were banned.
Medieval Theater

Originally Posted by
It's just karon na lang nahimata ang katawhan especially the youths, thanks to social media.
Nahimata? LOL.
Look at the dignity of the youth today. proliferation of "bastards aka LOVE CHILD", PMS-- youths prostituting themselves due to lack of morality, rampant abortion ,,, call this ENLIGHTENMENT of the YOUTH. big LOL for you.