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and I think Judas deserve one,
according to traditional catholic teachings, Judas betray Jesus, but without hes betrayal the son of God should not have been crucified,
also according to the tradition, Jesus crucifixion was willed and planned by GOD to save us from sins.. now can you sense the problem with the above statement?
1. Jesus was arrested because Judas betrayed him. Catholics considered him Evil.
2. GOD intended Jesus to be crucified for our sins. without him Jesus would not have been crucified.
1. Judas was an instrument by GOD for his plan to save us from our sins
In the Long run, Judas commited suicide because he was guilty of what he did, Is he not qualified for forgiveness from GOD?
Judas should be a saint.
with regards to the Original topic,
its just depend upon the interpretation of people, mura gud na katong backmasking, by listening to it, you cant hear the voices until someone who apparently heard voices (in their head) told you that there are voices in the backmask. its all in the mind
sorry boss, murag di na mao imung giistorya about how Catholics view Judas..
ingun pa nimu, Catholics see Judas as Evil...that is wrong brother.
The historical complexity of Jesus' trial is apparent in the Gospel accounts. The personal sin of the participants (Judas, the Sanhedrin, Pilate) is known to God alone. Hence we cannot lay responsibility for the trial on the Jews in Jerusalem as a whole, despite the outcry of a manipulated crowd and the global reproaches contained in the apostles' calls to conversion after Pentecost.385 Jesus himself, in forgiving them on the cross
Catechism of the Catholic Church - PART 1 SECTION 2 CHAPTER 2 ARTICLE 4 PARAGRAPH 2
Yes Judas could have been a Saint if Like Peter and the others who left Jesus for dead, did not kill themselves and repented.
we are all like judas in our own ways, we constantly betray Jesus whenever we sin..
but Judas is never condemned by catholics and no one should as we ourselves are not judges for we too shall be judged..
Yes Judas played a critical role in Jesus Salvation, in the same way when our past mistakes can bless others when God heals us..and turn our mistakes into learnings and blessings. we too played a role in the salvation of others, to God be the glory
should we praise him for betraying Jesus?
are we to praise each other for sinning against God? we praise God for allowing us to choose freely though at times we may fall so we can learn and ultimately so He can reign in our hearts as we accept Him to be our Lord and Savior.
without Judas, Jesus would still be crucified anyway, as God's plan is not subject to Judas' decisions.we're talking about God almighty bro..
when Judas killed himself it was obviously not part of God's plan, Judas' destiny was to repent and continue to live in the gospel like all of us..
when judas hanged himself his dicision was no different than some of our poor bros and sisters who took their lives
BUT no one and should condemn them, as well as Judas is never condemned.
ayaw kaayo ug palabi'g basa anang gospel of Judas bro, kay samut tag kalibug ana..
ok ra for the sake of Curiosity pero kung imu nang i internalize...hmmmm...ambut lang.Lol