I think that after you've used the 'SLR-like' digital camera, you'd actually want to get a DSLR. While advances has been made to make point and shoot cameras (I'm including bridge cameras in this category) to increase their IQ, they have yet to truly match the IQ and flexibility of DSLRs. In the long run, it'd also be cheaper to invest in a DSLR because of their longevity.
There are also many ways to manage the 'bulk' of a DSLR - weightless straps, battery grips, grips, and using prime lenses instead of the heavy 2.8 zooms.
I do want a decent point and shoot though because I don't carry a DSLR with me everyday. I'm just hesitant to buy them because I know they will be future paper weights. The Samsung ST30 seems like a good buy though. Because of its size and very low price, people pass it up but based on some reviews and actual photos, it's actually pretty good. Just don't trust the LCD daw