There's free web hosting, but no such thing as good free web hosting. is good if you can handle the limitations of WP and using a subdomain.
There's free web hosting, but no such thing as good free web hosting. is good if you can handle the limitations of WP and using a subdomain.
For those ngita ug free hosting, I'm offering it for no ads (only for filipinos) para maka start ta. Although wala pa completely nahuman ang site but you can PM me para mabuhatan tamo ug inyo own cpanel login. Completely free and No Ads. Exclusive for Filipinos.
for that, you just have to try hosting providers with such a service.
try our FREE Hosting with cPanel at CUBiT Shared Hosting Solutions. We offer FREE Domain Name for yearly subscriptions for our Personal and Business web hosting packages.
check our FREE domain name and hosting raffle this month at our Facebook WordPress Group page here:
Last edited by slkmclaren; 04-11-2013 at 06:36 PM.
If you need Free Cpanel Web Hosting, try also, naa free hosting plan dha.
if your web hosting is cpanel based, you can login to you account like this: provided the hosting server is UP.
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