we'll be there bro..mga until 12mn or 1am..kay mostly ara namn sd mi mag sabot if wer mi after...and if ever pa mods2x lang imo adtoon ke ur very much welcom bro,someone can assist u to dat sa mga accesories na dapat ibtang sa imo Suzuki motorcycle na kusog, nindt and specially safe sa motor ug sa rider...
and if u like na more sa mods2x lang..if ur determin and wud like or love to be a part of SOC(suzuki owners club) wer very much open for members such as like you na naay passion sa motor and nka own og SUzuki motorcylce..im not inviting u to join but im encouraging u...ok bro?..ASTIG KA SA SUZUKI.
your always welcome ddto..just remmber...RIDE SAFE ALWAYS...kitakitz...
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