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  1. #41

    Default Re: If GO will win, gubot ang pinas!?

    murag mo mas gubot ang pinas kung mo daog ang ubang team unity like sotto, oreta, chavit, magsaysay, kiram, montano, defensor, zubiri....

    pero kung naa ta CHIZ escudero, loren legarda, ping lacson, noynoy aquino, sonia roco, pimentel, lacson, dili jud ni magubot ang pilipinas.

  2. #42

    Default Re: If GO will win, gubot ang pinas!?

    murag mo mas gubot ang pinas kung mo daog ang ubang team unity like sotto, oreta, chavit, magsaysay, kiram, montano, defensor, zubiri....

    pero kung naa ta CHIZ escudero, loren legarda, ping lacson, noynoy aquino, sonia roco, pimentel, lacson, dili jud ni magubot ang pilipinas.

    Unsay magubot? Wa pa jud ka kasabot nga Kita ra man ang gibuang anang mga politiko? nganu mag gubot gud tawn nga bisag kinsa ana nila mulingkod sa gobyerno MAGKASINABOT ra man na sila. Kabalo baya ka nga Ilang kaugalingun Interest ra baya na ila gi apas. Tan awa gud na sila SOTTO, ORETA, etc... Di bah Kontra kaayu na sila sa administration sa Una? nya naunsa man na sila karon? KAUBAN nah! di bah?
    Tan awa si LOREN LEGARDA sa iya interview last few weeks, Ingun siya nga murag nga nag MAHAY daw siya nga Apil Siya sa nilaban nga Paablihan ang Envelope nga JOSE VILARDE acount sa plunder case ni ERAP... Tan awa ra gud unsa ni sila..

    Di ta padala ana ila atik nga kunuhay kontra sila sa laing kandidato, Sus, Ining lingkod ana nila, Magkasinabot ra na sila labi na ug bahin na ug Kwarta nay hisgotan.

    Mao nga I think murag Dili jud magubot bisag kinsa pay mulingkod dha....


  3. #43

    Default Re: If GO will win, gubot ang pinas!?

    i don't think so..naaa man pud candidates sa GO nga worth sa atong boto..di pud ta kaingon man nga magubot jud..

  4. #44

    Default Re: If GO will win, gubot ang pinas!?

    They want to oust a working president. They are not offering a viable alternative to the people for all the allegations and social concerns they present.
    a good working president who have done nothing wrong shouldn't be afraid of any impeachment or being thrown out of her/his office.

    my take on this gubot ang pinas? dili jud onta ta magubot kong wala pa siya ni Hello ni Garci.

  5. #45

    Default Re: If GO will win, gubot ang pinas!?

    Quote Originally Posted by FK
    a good working president who have done nothing wrong shouldn't be afraid of any impeachment or being thrown out of her/his office.
    Therefore, Erap then is no good working president, based on your assumptions. If GMA is so afraid of any impeachment, she must have been thrown out long ago. I'd like to think her courage gives her more time up until 2010.

    The Genuine Opposition must have been having internal problems with the recent news that someone in the group tried to remove some of the names of GO senatoriables on their own sample ballots. It looks like they have a lot of problems in their own group. How can they offer to resolve the problems of this country if they cannot even resolve their own internal problems?

  6. #46

    Default Re: If GO will win, gubot ang pinas!?

    If GO will win, then they will become the Administration... and those who were in the Administration will now become the Opposition!

  7. #47

    Default Re: If GO will win, gubot ang pinas!?

    Quote Originally Posted by baron
    Therefore, Erap then is no good working president, based on your assumptions. If GMA is so afraid of any impeachment, she must have been thrown out long ago. I'd like to think her courage gives her more time up until 2010.

    The Genuine Opposition must have been having internal problems with the recent news that someone in the group tried to remove some of the names of GO senatoriables on their own sample ballots. It looks like they have a lot of problems in their own group. How can they offer to resolve the problems of this country if they cannot even resolve their own internal problems?
    what a conclusion...
    did erap try everything just to stop his impeachment?
    di ba gloria tried everything nga dili lang mapush trhough bisan pag-approve lang sa impeachment court?
    naunsa naman tawn ni woi, ingani diay manghunahuna ang tawo ni gloria?

  8. #48

    Default Re: If GO will win, gubot ang pinas!?

    Quote Originally Posted by junmar4
    naunsa naman tawn ni woi, ingani diay manghunahuna ang tawo ni gloria?
    Yes bro, lahi lahi ra jud ang mga tawo. Naay mga tawo dili ganahan kay Erap at naay mga tawo na ganahan kay Gloria. Ana lang. Lahi lahi ra jud. If we're all the same, then we'll be you.

  9. #49

    Default Re: If GO will win, gubot ang pinas!?

    Therefore, Erap then is no good working president, based on your assumptions. If GMA is so afraid of any impeachment, she must have been thrown out long ago. I'd like to think her courage gives her more time up until 2010.
    Ang deperensya ra jud nila ERAP og GMA? gawas nga mas bright jud si GMA, is TRAPO jud cya, to the point that she is no longer honorable even if she is that intelligent.

    The Genuine Opposition must have been having internal problems with the recent news that someone in the group tried to remove some of the names of GO senatoriables on their own sample ballots. It looks like they have a lot of problems in their own group. How can they offer to resolve the problems of this country if they cannot even resolve their own internal problems?
    bsan sa TU bai... naa ni, just look at the card sa BOPK naa si Legarda. Dayon para sa GO ang problem sa country kay si GMA man... so ma solve ghapon nila. hehehe...

    and yes I agree ang source sa gubot kay wala'y lain kundi si GMA og si Garci. May lain pa ba?

  10. #50

    Default Re: If GO will win, gubot ang pinas!?

    i think to say that it would be doomsday if GO will win is an overstatement.. it's way out of context.. the GO is not a basket of rotten apples.. there are quite credilbe ones in the party.. but what actually matters is how the people sees them.. cebuanos i believe, is by far, wise voters.. we know how to subject these candidates into thorough scrutiny and credibility check.. moreover, the good thing about having opposition forces in the government is that there will be a balance of political idealisms and principles.. if we let a TU or GO landslide victory, then we're looking into something more like a puppet show, because these officials would then become puppets on strings, manipulated by one egocentric power-greedy thug.. but then again, we are wise people.. we know how to dig behind the picture they present, our understanding and perception goes beyond the realms of popularity and political turn-coatism.. we still believe that we are a democratic country, thus, our actions should reflect our perpectives and ideas..

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