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  1. #71

    Quote Originally Posted by Jhared View Post
    kanang quality sa education ug incompetent nga maestra dili man intawon na rason nga dili ka molambo.. kong ikaw mismo sa imong kaugalingon reklamador ka kaayo ug dili kabaw maningkamot, bisan pa'g sa Harvard ka ga skwela dili jud ka mka kat-on..
    Don't you know that complaining is good? At least kung magcomplain ta mahibaw-an sa government ang real sentiments sa mga tawo. Kung maghilom hilom lang, aw, way mahitabo nga improvement sa Philippines.

    Only intelligent persons know how to complain!!! Timan-i na!

    Nya let me give you a hypothetical situation, kung ang teacher dili kamao mutudlo sa iyang mga students, do you think, maabsorb sa mga students ang mga gipanglecture sa teacher? Diba dili?

    Mao na ang reason kun ngano daghang students gikan sa public schools karun kay poor sa english, math, ug science. Aside sa mga ubang teachers kay di kamao mutudlo, walay enough facility ug ang teacher to student ratio kay 1:70?!

    Nag expect ka nga naay makat-unan ang mga students?! Nag expect ka nga mulambo ang pinas sa in-ana nga style?!

    Ug pasabta ko kun ngano off topic na kaayu akung post!

    Jhared undangi ng imung tripping pagpadaghan sa post count oi! Ngipert!!

  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    OT: bro diay ni si TS? i was thinking the TS was a she all along...
    nag depende raman gud gud kos iyang gender sign...hehehe...
    OT: Babayi man jud oka! Ug kinsa may nagsulti nga laki ko?! Kay akung panitan!

    Now playing: Natural Woman

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    Hehehehehehe .... MANINGNNG ko ni SHOFO OKOY este SHOFA OKA .
    Hala oi! Hasta ang mod nag apil apil sa kabuang! AHAHAHA

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by shofa_oka View Post

    Because of the stupid pinoy pride, Filipinos in the Philippines were excited about the conclave! And so it happened this week. Cardinals from all over the world went to Vatican as they congregate to the Sistine Chapel to elect the highest leader of the Roman Catholic church with a billion deluded followers. One of these cardinals is, Manila Archbishop Tagle.

    Last night, the Argentinian cardinal was declared the supreme leader of the RCC.

    I just breathed a sigh of relief when, finally, as I was watching my brand new Samsung Smart TV worth a hundred grand, I knew that the Argentinian cardinal was elected.

    Now everyone will be spared of overzealous starstruck ignoramuses peppering the on-line and real world with messages, written and verbal, of how PROUD they are of the Pinoy cardinal had he won.

    Hypothetically, kung na-elect si Tagle, I bet many "proud pinoys" will brag about Tagle's victory, and they will be proud as "PINOY" because THE HIGHEST LEADER OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS A PINOY!

    While the fact remains nga ang Pilipinas is plunged in deeper poverty, nanaghan ang mga poor people, way kaon, low purchasing power (not to mention ang hugaw nga surroundings yuuuck!) Nya, magcomment dayun ug PROUD TO BE PINOY sa mga social networking sites. Isyagit jud sa tibuok kalibutan?

    Magkatawa lang ta!

    You should be proud as pinoy kung nilambo na jud ang Pinas, thru COLLECTIVE EFFORT! Dili ka dapat magsakay sakay sa achievements sa mga Filipinos nga nisikat sa laing country kay ilaha na nga achievements, dili na imo, ug dili na sa mga Pilipino! Too much credit grabbing BAYEEET!

    Mao ra na. I wanna hear all your opinions, negative or positive. Wa koy labot kung mudisagree mos akong mga gipang post diri. Basta do not attack me personally, coz I will attack as well. If you want war, pwes, I'll give you war, in my red, SEXY STILETTOS!

    .........choosing a pope is not a bet so it is not a game "won." the word should have been "choosen".... if Cardinal Tagle would have been choosen it is normal "especially" to Filipino "Roman Catholics" to be proud......and now that a new pope has been choosen and not a Filipino, are "we" still not proud of being filipinos? ( PROUD they are of the Pinoy cardinal had he won.)?

    from your thread title "Cardinal Tagle and the Pinoy Pride. Maningning ko!!!!" from your first paragraph "Because of the stupid pinoy pride" you are provoking an attack....what you are asking here is a yes or no answer from your visitors where in fact you are asking for a positve or a negative "opinion"

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by hush232002 View Post
    .........choosing a pope is not a bet so it is not a game "won." the word should have been "choosen".... if Cardinal Tagle would have been choosen it is normal "especially" to Filipino "Roman Catholics" to be proud......and now that a new pope has been choosen and not a Filipino, are "we" still not proud of being filipinos? ( PROUD they are of the Pinoy cardinal had he won.)?
    So you just came here sa akong thread to correct my grammar? Grammarian ka?

    Pagshor diha! Wa ko nanginahanlan ug grammar correction service.

    Quote Originally Posted by hush232002 View Post
    from your thread title "Cardinal Tagle and the Pinoy Pride. Maningning ko!!!!" from your first paragraph "Because of the stupid pinoy pride" you are provoking an attack....what you are asking here is a yes or no answer from your visitors where in fact you are asking for a positve or a negative "opinion"
    Provoking an attack? Dili man. Ang aku ra nga gikalagutan about pinoy pride is, filipinos tend to brag about their compatriot's achievements abroad ug iassociate dayun ang pagkafilipino, and then magpost post dayun sa mga social networking sites ug "I'M PROUD TO BE A FILIPINO" in capital letters pa ha! Annoying kaayu! Like I said, you should feel proud as a filipino kung nilambo na jud ang pinas thru collective effort, di kay magsalig lang mo sa mga achievements ni Pacquiao, Charice, nya magpost dayun ug PROUD TO BE PINOY?!

    Lami kaayu mu pangduklon!

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by shofa_oka View Post
    So you just came here sa akong thread to correct my grammar? Grammarian ka?

    Pagshor diha! Wa ko nanginahanlan ug grammar correction service.

    Provoking an attack? Dili man. Ang aku ra nga gikalagutan about pinoy pride is, filipinos tend to brag about their compatriot's achievements abroad ug iassociate dayun ang pagkafilipino, and then magpost post dayun sa mga social networking sites ug "I'M PROUD TO BE A FILIPINO" in capital letters pa ha! Annoying kaayu! Like I said, you should feel proud as a filipino kung nilambo na jud ang pinas thru collective effort, di kay magsalig lang mo sa mga achievements ni Pacquiao, Charice, nya magpost dayun ug PROUD TO BE PINOY?!

    Lami kaayu mu pangduklon!

    sure ko oi....dili ko gramarian pero your sentence constrution is asking for it....

    nahala pinoy pride man diay ni......we are all entitled to express our own opinion..... pero based sa imo gi post "Like I said, you should feel proud" you are dectating or forcing filipinos to follow your belief ....

    unta pugngan na nimo imo dukolx effect TS.......kay naa mga minors makabasa ani ma mtrcb nya ni nga thread nindut raba unta.......
    Last edited by hush232002; 03-16-2013 at 04:00 PM.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by hush232002 View Post
    unta pugngan na nimo imo dukolx effect TS.......kay naa mga minors makabasa ani ma mtrcb nya ni nga thread nindut raba unta.......
    The youth should read this thought provoking thread because this thread serves as an eye opener. Kay ang mga youth karun nagfocus na sa pag igat igat ug bisag unsa nga chorva!

  8. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by hush232002 View Post
    sure ko oi....dili ko gramarian pero your sentence constrution is asking for it....

    nahala pinoy pride man diay ni......we are all entitled to express our own opinion..... pero based sa imo gi post "Like I said, you should feel proud" you are dectating or forcing filipinos to follow your belief ....
    Yes I know nga naa silay freedom of expression. Ug naa sad koy freedom to express nga sayop ang concept nila sa Pinoy pride.

    Anyway, daghan ang nanginahanlan sa imung grammarian service kay daghan ang magpacheck sa ilang mga thesis! Passive income sad na!

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by shofa_oka View Post
    Yes I know nga naa silay freedom of expression. Ug naa sad koy freedom to express nga sayop ang concept nila sa Pinoy pride.

    Anyway, daghan ang nanginahanlan sa imung grammarian service kay daghan ang magpacheck sa ilang mga thesis! Passive income sad na!
    ask lang ko TS ha? unsa man di ay correct definition sa PINOY PRIDE?

  10. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by defender_1611 View Post
    ask lang ko TS ha? unsa man di ay correct definition sa PINOY PRIDE?
    Backread lang palihug. Aku naman to giexplain actually naa tos first post sa kani nga thread. Kapuy man gud type kay iPhone ra akung gamit. Di baya lalim magtype sa iPhone kay vulnerable sa typo error

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