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  1. #1

    Default Cardinal Tagle and the Pinoy Pride. Maningning ko!!!!


    Because of the stupid pinoy pride, Filipinos in the Philippines were excited about the conclave! And so it happened this week. Cardinals from all over the world went to Vatican as they congregate to the Sistine Chapel to elect the highest leader of the Roman Catholic church with a billion deluded followers. One of these cardinals is, Manila Archbishop Tagle.

    Last night, the Argentinian cardinal was declared the supreme leader of the RCC.

    I just breathed a sigh of relief when, finally, as I was watching my brand new Samsung Smart TV worth a hundred grand, I knew that the Argentinian cardinal was elected.

    Now everyone will be spared of overzealous starstruck ignoramuses peppering the on-line and real world with messages, written and verbal, of how PROUD they are of the Pinoy cardinal had he won.

    Hypothetically, kung na-elect si Tagle, I bet many "proud pinoys" will brag about Tagle's victory, and they will be proud as "PINOY" because THE HIGHEST LEADER OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS A PINOY!

    While the fact remains nga ang Pilipinas is plunged in deeper poverty, nanaghan ang mga poor people, way kaon, low purchasing power (not to mention ang hugaw nga surroundings yuuuck!) Nya, magcomment dayun ug PROUD TO BE PINOY sa mga social networking sites. Isyagit jud sa tibuok kalibutan?

    Magkatawa lang ta!

    You should be proud as pinoy kung nilambo na jud ang Pinas, thru COLLECTIVE EFFORT! Dili ka dapat magsakay sakay sa achievements sa mga Filipinos nga nisikat sa laing country kay ilaha na nga achievements, dili na imo, ug dili na sa mga Pilipino! Too much credit grabbing BAYEEET!

    Mao ra na. I wanna hear all your opinions, negative or positive. Wa koy labot kung mudisagree mos akong mga gipang post diri. Basta do not attack me personally, coz I will attack as well. If you want war, pwes, I'll give you war, in my red, SEXY STILETTOS!

    Last edited by shofa_oka; 03-14-2013 at 05:54 PM. Reason: gi-edit nako ang font! ganahan kog pinakatay nga style. AHAHAHAHA

  2. #2
    Nalubong man ang thread ni oka, wala pa gani 5 minutes

  3. #3
    Gamay ra ako masulti ani " Be proud of where you came from". Bsg unsa pa ka cguro ka hugaw ato nasod pero proud ghapon ko kay ang Ginoo moy nag buot kng asa ko niya ibutang before ko maborn aning kalibutana. Dko magpa apekto sa kahugaw sa gobyerno dri kay kibaw ko nga modato rko basta paningkamutan lng nko.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    haha kasabot ko sa imong gibati TS, frustrating jud kyo kong bag-o pata, maglibog ta kong unsay nindot nga thread nga kanang daghan ang mangreply ba,. and you ask yourself this question.. unsa kaha kong kanang thread nga debate2 sa, para daghan ang manulod?.. only to find out nga dili diay interested ang mga taw ani.. epic fail! nyahaha.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by johnmangui View Post
    Gamay ra ako masulti ani " Be proud of where you came from". Bsg unsa pa ka cguro ka hugaw ato nasod pero proud ghapon ko kay ang Ginoo moy nag buot kng asa ko niya ibutang before ko maborn aning kalibutana. Dko magpa apekto sa kahugaw sa gobyerno dri kay kibaw ko nga modato rko basta paningkamutan lng nko.
    Yeah of course, but the government plays an important role para sa kalambuan sa mga citizens sa usa ka country. Pero tinuod man jud nga hugaw ang pinas (and Filipinos will brag about being CLEAN, adto didtos downtown if mag-uwan, oh so fresh ang kabaho sa kanal and makakita kag patay nga ilaga floating sa baha! kay ngano di tinuod? ) hugaw sad ang pagpadagan sa gobyerno.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jhared View Post
    haha kasabot ko sa imong gibati TS, frustrating jud kyo kong bag-o pata, maglibog ta kong unsay nindot nga thread nga kanang daghan ang mangreply ba,. and you ask yourself this question.. unsa kaha kong kanang thread nga debate2 sa, para daghan ang manulod?.. only to find out nga dili diay interested ang mga taw ani.. epic fail! nyahaha.
    Excuse me dili ko bag-o diri. Nag hibernate ra ko for two years. And I'm finally back. Baka kainin mo lang ang sinasabi mo, it's still 5 PM, padung pa uli ang mga tawo from their jobs! DUH!!! Ang brain gamita!

  6. #6
    samoka bitaw aning "pinoy pride" kinsa man nagpa uso ani? haha

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill View Post
    samoka bitaw aning "pinoy pride" kinsa man nagpa uso ani? haha
    Feel nako, si Pacquiao!

  8. #8
    OT: unsa gni to handle nimu sauna TS? katong lady gaga ang avatar?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by PaYaSo View Post
    OT: unsa gni to handle nimu sauna TS? katong lady gaga ang avatar?
    OT: Kaw nalay search kay na-amnesia si oks!

  10. #10
    hi sexy, hahaha...i'm proud to be pinoy, though there are things Filipinos do that i'm not proud of...
    it doesn't change the fact that we are Pinoys...
    when Pinoys qoute: "proud to be pinoy" following the achievements of other Filipinos like Pacman and the not bad i think..
    in the same way if you have a sibling who's very successful or a member of your family, you'd perhaps say that you are proud to be a member of that family...

    i think the problem about Pinoy Pride is not that we take pride of the achievements of our fellow countrymen and women
    but some of us are just too proud to admit that we have a lot of changing to do, that we are sometimes too lazy to act
    and that we pick on ourselves instead of helping one another...
    when we learn to humble down and accept whatever that's left in our resources, then that's the time that we might start moving forward.

    Proud to be Pinoy! Lol

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