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  1. #871

    There are over a thousand F-16 on storage in AMARC...

  2. #872
    Elite Member noy.juan's Avatar
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    getting EDA approved in US congress requires lobbying from GRP.... i wonder if we have a team lobbying it... since AFP is really eyeing for F16... i can sense that we are heading that way.. the acquisition of T/A-50 are a sign...

  3. #873
    We have been window shopping for the best deal of F16's for the past 20 years. Lucrative deals and offers have come and gone. I guess the problem is not the availability, or the supplier/govt, or the lack of lobbying thereof. The problem is with us, no matter how attractive the past offers had been, at the end of the day when our AirForce sums it up in a calculator, the conclusion is still "kulang sa budget." Therefore we aim our sights at the politicians. For the past 3 or 4 administrations, i have never seen a more serious focus on modernization than the admin of PNoy. Political will in the works, i hope this will continue..

  4. #874
    Quote Originally Posted by noy.juan View Post
    getting EDA approved in US congress requires lobbying from GRP.... i wonder if we have a team lobbying it... since AFP is really eyeing for F16... i can sense that we are heading that way.. the acquisition of T/A-50 are a sign...
    US before offered us f16 i guess i was from pakistan but our congressman and our senator declined unya karon gusto napud ta ug f16..heheh ,g libog ang US nato..hehehe

    and BTW dili T/A 50 ang atong g order its F/A 50.

  5. #875
    Guys... even if we get F-16's now whose going to fly it? our pilots are not yet train to fly these fighters.. it will just be sitting in our hangar for quite some time.. a pilot has to qualify first before flying F-16.. they have to meet the number of flight hours required..

    the reason why DND rejected the last offer of F-16's to us because the lot that was offered was an old design F-16 Blocks A/B..
    much older than what was offered to Pakistan actually..

    based on the timetable for the AFP's modernization plan.. we are still on Horizon 2 phase.. MRF's, submarines and more sophisticated hardware
    will be procured on Horizon 3, which is 4 years from now (God willing).. if all goes well with the AFP's plan for modernization..

    ...and hopefully the next president after Pnoy will continue on what this president started.. Happy Sunday to all!

  6. #876
    ang uban i underestimate lang jud ninyo ang mga UTOK sa atong PAF..dili pud na sila ingana ka bogo as what sa uban sa inyo think..if ever kuhaon nato ang F16 or lain nga MRF jets naa pud na silay training oi before na nila gamiton..

    and im takling about the f16 being offered to us in 1998..

  7. #877
    and training for a pilot's qualification for a certain aircraft does not take overnight.. days or several months.. there are certain steps to follow..
    our PAF current training path for pilot training is like this:

    T-41D ---> SF.260 ---> S.211 (BJT or basic jet trainer)

    now as soon as we get the GEagles.. they will our Interim Fighter and AJT in one.. I'm not sure how many pilots we currently have that are already certified for S.211.. these guys will eventually pilot our FA-50's.. then proceed to whatever MRF we can acquire in the future..

    and the reason why our modernization got halted during Pres. Ramos time was because of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis..
    his term ended in June 30, 1998..

  8. #878
    the problem with all these modernization things are the corrupt officials and we all know that there plenty of those in the military, they even sell their own issues

  9. #879
    wala man pud ta ga dali. kinahanglang lang nato sundon kung unsa man gali ang naa sa modernization,besides dili pud na basta basta atong mga pilot mga bright na sila dili na sila lisud pasabton. we send men for training sa sokol ug sa whec and now we send men for training na pud cguro sa fa-50 so i guess same situation ra pud na cguro kung mo palit nata ug MRF.

    we have our moderation law way back in 1995, kung tinuod pa sila sa ilang plan ila unta tong gipadayon. ang port bonifacio g baligya para sa modernization pro wala jud nagamit. asa nakaha ang kwarta..

    there was even a plan to purchase f4 phantom jets for interim strike force hehhe pro wala jud na nahitabo..(i mean A-4 skyhawk)
    Last edited by hulagway; 02-25-2013 at 07:00 AM.

  10. #880
    kani pra wash.out tanan...

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