Feb. 15, 1:50am I lost him...
His name is Duju(my real name is Duke, so Duju stands for Duke Junior), a minipin. He was my best friend in the whole world. Thick or thin he was with me. When my wife left/cheated on me, he was there beside me as I cry my heart out...
Everytime I go out and buy food for myself, I always make sure I bring home something for him, and everytime I go home, he was there so happy to see me. Angry, sad, happy or crazy, he was beside me... never judging, just happy Im with him.
I love him so much that I slept in the couch cuz he goes out 2-4 times from midnight to dawn to pee, poop, or God knows what... I dont wanna walk far half asleep, so I ended up sleeping on the couch in the living room just for him.
Now I lost him, its hard, been crying on and off. I buried him on the backyard and still talk to him and give him food. I find myself calling him or singing his name or glancing in the stairs where he usually stay... only to realize he is not there, and it hurts me once more.
Sigh. Thank you for reading... just been so hard and want to share...

I miss you my best friend in life... Ill see you again soon! And Ill bring french fries, your favorite!