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even if you are the poorest of the poor if you see fullfilment in life (contento) wouldn't you consider your life succesfull?
to be honest,, i rarely use the word success... i always prefer to use on top of the game... if you asked me if im on top of my game? a big red
here are my checklists
- get an awesome hot wife (check)
- get a job related to my course (check)
- get a job that i really enjoy (check)
- easy money (check)
- work on a place where there are lot of chixs (check)
- travel around the country (almost there but yeah check)
- start a business (h3ll yeah check na check)
- lead a project (check na check)
- have some kids (not there yet)
- own a car (i used to until i sold it)
- die (not rushing it)