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  1. #1

    Exclamation Topacio tells Valte: Elementary, my dear Abi

    Topacio tells Valte: Elementary, my dear Abi
    Posted at 02/03/2013 4:33 PM | Updated as of 02/03/2013 4:33 PM

    MANILA, Philippines - Lawyer Ferdinand Topacio said the compliment from former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo must have intoxicated her successor’s spokesperson so much.
    In a statement, the lawyer of former First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo disputed deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte’s statement that President Benigno Aquino III has already surpassed the achievements of his professor, the incumbent Pampanga representative.
    "This is a classic case of the student already surpassing the teacher," Valte said, when the Arroyo camp praised Aquino for the strong growth in the local economy.
    Topacio said: “Since I am a lawyer, and not an economist, I must dispute her statement based on facts, reason and simple logic, something sadly deficient in the Palace at present.”
    He said a quick look into the views of economists such as Ben Diokno and Solita Monsod may “save her some embarrassment.”
    A report from the National Statistical Coordination Board said Arroyo posted the best average economic performance during her term. While some economists credited Aquino for a “fast” growth in economy, some find it wanting in terms of inclusive growth.
    Topacio noted Arroyo showed statesmanship when she praised the country’s economy under Aquino. “Sad to say, it can be intoxicating to a high-spirited spokesperson not knowing how to respond to a simple compliment. It's a compliment, student.”
    He added: “Our camp has always given credit where credit is due. Of course, we cannot praise President Aquino for any growth in his hair, there being none. But he should be credited for the present state of the economy.”

    Source: Topacio tells Valte: Elementary, my dear Abi | ABS-CBN News

  2. #2
    "Of course, we cannot praise President Aquino for any growth in his hair, there being none."

    hahahah... made my day!! Nice article.

  3. #3
    i'll believe his statement if he cuts his balls

  4. #4
    eidted: sayup d-ay, di d-ay to si valte hehehe, speech wirter d-ay to ni aBnoy, hehehe, si valte d-ay ang ni defend katong bayhana, hehehe

    ga-basa lang ang baba ani niya, hahahaha

    oy, time sa, source...abs-cbn? come on, everybody knows na Pnoy network mn ni, hehehehe
    Last edited by Hammer_and_Sickle; 02-04-2013 at 12:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by PaYaSo View Post
    i'll believe his statement if he cuts his balls
    Mao... Iyang balls ang long overdue na. heehhe

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
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    We should support our president,
    his achievement is our achievement,
    sad to say our fate as always lays in
    the world of politics.

  7. #7
    Our Fate lies in our hands not in the hands of Politicians...........

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