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common sense oi, the BASIC dance steps and the beat for a Sinulog-based dance is standard
what the judges and i'm personally looking for are some fresh ideas of presenting it. "presenting" means it involves everything from costumes to choreography to formations to props to themes to rituals, etc. etc.
heck even Basakanon for a while didn't really change their presentation much (with the whole pintado costumes and choreography) for the past two/three years until this year when they decided to do the eagles/birds
actually naa sad toy year nga daghang contigents nga pare-parehong pintado costumes ang gigamit.
morag ang dating sa akong na-obserbahan kay kung unsay nidaog karong yeara, usually irecycle lang ang CONCEPT sa ubang contigents by the next year. mao nay pagkasabot nako sa giingon ni Jardin nga CLONING or the lack of creativity from our contigents
heck i was the one called to use common sense. Why change the custome for pintado's type if that represents how are ancestors looks like during the landing of spaniards in limasawa island.