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  1. #1051
    Elite Member
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    we dont need faith.
    we need good values.

    a famous guy makes a sign of the cross just before he beats the other guy.
    what does that mean to his faith?
    did he already asked permission to his god that he can beat the other guy now?

    while his mom goes to church with luxurious things around her.
    a loud expensive shoes. a designer bag where she keeps her rosary.
    dresses and jewelries that wont fail to disturb the praying church crowd.
    Last edited by jessieventura; 01-28-2013 at 02:50 AM.

  2. #1052
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Wonderful View Post
    A song from bad religion says faith alone wont sustain us anymore. And thats very true.
    If you think FAITH is some sort of a Membership form that you just have to sign up thats it, then its really Not enough. But if you talk about the FAITH preached by Jesus in the Bible. Its More that enough.

  3. #1053
    Quote Originally Posted by jessieventura View Post
    we dont need faith.
    we need good values.

    a famous guy makes a sign of the cross just before he beats the other guy.
    what does that mean to his faith?
    did he already asked permission to his god that he can beat the other guy now?

    while his mom goes to church with luxurious things around her.
    a loud expensive shoes. a designer bag where she keeps her rosary.
    dresses and jewelries that wont fail to disturb the praying church crowd.
    Your understanding of the word FAITH is a bit far from what the Bible teaches us. Good Values is the manifestation that you have True Faith in God. Dont base your understanding on what you see in people because you will be confuse. It will start with beleief and Good works will follow.

  4. #1054
    Quote Originally Posted by digitalartistbem View Post
    We are saved by faith alone. (That's it! No more question)

    The results would be - Becus of our faith in God, love comes out, good works will just come out automatically that will make our faith fruitful and true. Remember: Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God (I forgot the specific verse in the bible)

    So if you have faith, you'll read more and more about Who God really is, how does He work in our lives, and you'll know the basic principles about living a Godly life. (A life that glorifies His Name). With that, good works will just pour out, but again, it's faith alone that can save us....anything else would just be the result of our FAITH in God.

    I really appreciate and am very blessed with the Israelies, I was studying their culture, and although they are just believing in the old testament, they followed (I think) everything in the Bible, like the food they eat, the simple principles about relationships, everything that has been discussed in the Bible about basic instructions before leaving earth. Hahay, such a complete instruction, if we just dig deeper into the Bible, we will understand this. God bless us all! :->

    I even tried following the old testament, mga bawal kaunon, mga bawal buhaton...and stuff like that, and I think my life has been so healthy. Later on, I researched why the Bible set this bawal food on the bible, and found out that these food are unhealthy indeed. Anyway, I believe in the Bible as the Word of God, so I have faith in following what it says without any questions.
    murag dili cgro brad mao rana sa istorya nga mo too ka sa balaod pero dili ka mo sunod.... faith+work.. its like saying plano para naa ky lihokon ug lihok para naa ky paabuton (good graces from the Lord) can have all the faith but if you dont work.. its useless... same as you have all the knowledge.. pero if you dont put it in work its useless... sayang lang ang talent ghatag sa Ginoo kung dili gamiton... mau pa ihatag niya sa laing tao or sa hayop ang pag ka maayo....

  5. #1055
    Quote Originally Posted by jonz View Post
    murag dili cgro brad mao rana sa istorya nga mo too ka sa balaod pero dili ka mo sunod.... faith+work.. its like saying plano para naa ky lihokon ug lihok para naa ky paabuton (good graces from the Lord) can have all the faith but if you dont work.. its useless... same as you have all the knowledge.. pero if you dont put it in work its useless... sayang lang ang talent ghatag sa Ginoo kung dili gamiton... mau pa ihatag niya sa laing tao or sa hayop ang pag ka maayo....
    nganu di man ka musunod if nituoo diay kas balaod? unsa man diay sugod sa imung pagsunod sa Balaod di ba first nakahibalo kas balaod nya nagtuo kas balaod then nisunod ka.

    Matawag ba natu nga Nituo ka sa isa ka balaod if wa nimu sunda? wa nimu buhata?

  6. #1056
    wrong post.
    Last edited by defender_1611; 01-28-2013 at 08:33 PM.

  7. #1057
    mao lage ni...magsugod man dayon hehehe

    cge padayon tas atong mga pag too, nya ayaw lang sad birahi ang pag tuo sa uban, pero open forum man ni OK ra cge go...

  8. #1058

  9. #1059
    yep it is through Faith alone, but obviously Faith alone does not LITERALLY mean Faith alone...

    as to know whether our faith is genuine or not, our Lives must be a testimony of our Faith
    which is through Actions.

    if one says He believes one thing but actions are showing otherwise..
    i seriously doubt if that person has the faith to begin with.

  10. #1060
    Quote Originally Posted by slabdans View Post
    mao lage ni...magsugod man dayon hehehe

    cge padayon tas atong mga pag too, nya ayaw lang sad birahi ang pag tuo sa uban, pero open forum man ni OK ra cge go...
    The thing here is there is such a thing as a healthy discussion or argument. But some will just resort to personal or derigatory attacks.

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