We are saved by faith alone. (That's it! No more question)
The results would be - Becus of our faith in God, love comes out, good works will just come out automatically that will make our faith fruitful and true. Remember: Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God (I forgot the specific verse in the bible)
So if you have faith, you'll read more and more about Who God really is, how does He work in our lives, and you'll know the basic principles about living a Godly life. (A life that glorifies His Name). With that, good works will just pour out, but again, it's faith alone that can save us....anything else would just be the result of our FAITH in God.
I really appreciate and am very blessed with the Israelies, I was studying their culture, and although they are just believing in the old testament, they followed (I think) everything in the Bible, like the food they eat, the simple principles about relationships, everything that has been discussed in the Bible about basic instructions before leaving earth. Hahay, such a complete instruction, if we just dig deeper into the Bible, we will understand this. God bless us all! :->
I even tried following the old testament, mga bawal kaunon, mga bawal buhaton...and stuff like that, and I think my life has been so healthy. Later on, I researched why the Bible set this bawal food on the bible, and found out that these food are unhealthy indeed. Anyway, I believe in the Bible as the Word of God, so I have faith in following what it says without any questions.