mga admins pwede request change akong username?
based sa forum rules, u cannot change your username.
Can I change my username?
No. Changing of usernames has been disabled. We are trying to promote friendship, unity, etc... Changing your username will only confuse your fellow members. However, if you really think you have a valid reason for a change, contact the administrator(BeoR). A username change is granted on a case to case basis. You should have a valid reason why you want your username to be changed. Getting bored with it isn't one of them.
thread locked.
“What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk
hallu mga mods...
is it possible to change an account's username?
if yes, how do i change it? read-only man lang sa edit profile gud.
thanks daan and more power
Read the FAQ.,20145.0.html
unsaon pag utro ang imong nick...kana gani inag post, dli ko gusto maka butang ang "windox" kanang mo appear nga pangan inag post nimo...naa man tana na sa account related settings...dli lagi ma utro? ngano ma utro man ang uban?
istorya != uban.
wako kasabot
Can I change my username?
No. Changing of usernames has been disabled. We are trying to promote friendship, unity, etc... Changing your username will only confuse your fellow members. However, if you really think you have a valid reason for a change, contact the administrator(BeoR). A username change is granted on a case to case basis. You should have a valid reason why you want your username to be changed. Getting bored with it isn't one of them.
please read the FAQ's here
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