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  1. #2691

    butangi ug kaugalingon folder bos bitlord, labeled "all time favorites"

  2. #2692
    Truecrypt boss bitlord. Safe and secure

  3. #2693
    my poor-man's Internet Viewing/Torrentz Station: {72w @wall peak power consumption}

    1. eMachines EL1200 w/ DVDRW drive, card reader & 160GB Seagate SATA, USB wifi adapter/NO rams - bought from a junk shop por kilo(320.00)
    2. BenQ G610HDA monitor - bought from an istoryan(1.2K)
    3. Kingston 2x2GB DDR2-800 - bought from an istoryan(900.00)
    4. AMD Athlon X2 4450B 45w- bought from a guest diri sa Istorya(600.00)...upgrade nako ang orig AMD single-core 2650e 15w
    5. Logitech kb & mouse - bought from junk shop (75.00)

    Total Cost = 3095.00

    Validated CPUz: CPU-Z Validator 3.1

    72watts peak power comsumption measured @ wall(including PLDT modem):
    Last edited by simoko; 01-25-2013 at 03:20 PM.

  4. #2694
    Quote Originally Posted by simoko View Post
    my poor-man's Internet Viewing/Torrentz Station: {72w @wall power consumption}

    1. eMachines EL1200 w/ DVDRW drive, card reader & 160GB Seagate SATA, USB wifi adapter/NO rams - bought from a junk shop por kilo(320.00)
    2. Acer G610HDA monitor - bought from an istoryan(1.2K)
    3. Kingston 2x2GB DDR2-800 - bought from an istoryan(900.00)
    4. AMD Athlon X2 4450B 45w- bought from a guest diri sa Istorya(600.00)...upgrade nako ang orig AMD single-core 2650e 15w
    5. Logitech kb & mouse - bought from junk shop (75.00)

    Total Cost = 3095.00

    Validated CPUz: CPU-Z Validator 3.1

    asa ni nga junk shop boss? maayo kay barato da.

  5. #2695
    @ fisher7: naa sa Basak, interior part sa Sudtunggan diri sa Mactan...mao na silay tig-pull out anang mga old equipments nga e-junk diha sa mga companies diha sa MEPZ...wala ni name basta imo man makita nga naa daghan PC's etc. naka pile up sa ilang junkyard basta naa sila pullout...

  6. #2696
    ^another man's junk is another man's treasure. nice loot and find bai.

  7. #2697
    ^pa ot: boss simoko naay dala PSU pag palit nmo or wala? kung naa unsa pud iyang dala nga PSU?

  8. #2698
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.nicejohn View Post
    ^pa ot: boss simoko naay dala PSU pag palit nmo or wala? kung naa unsa pud iyang dala nga PSU?
    yes naa bai...Lite-on man ni nakabutang nga brand sa psu...gamai sya...basically complete pa ning eMachines EL1200 except for the ram...naa pa gani badge w/ serial# sa Vista...

  9. #2699
    ninduta pagka punit nimo ana brod. simoko ue

  10. #2700
    naa untay competetion ba nga pinakabarato ug pinaka-power efficient nga rig sa cebu haha

  11.    Advertisement

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