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  1. #321
    Elite Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisvil View Post
    There's no such thing a first world nor third world country. We are in the same world.

    Pwede nato na kontrolahon ang supply and demand.
    But there is such a thing as a developed country and an underdeveloped one. In the context of our times first world now refers to developed (advanced) economies and third world now refers to underdeveloped (backward) economies. We are in the same world, but as you know barriers between nations still exist and rich countries don't necessarily want to be swamped by people from poorer countries.

    The argument still stands, Singapore implemented population control when they needed to. They also abandoned it, when they needed to. See it's that simple...

  2. #322
    Rather amusing discussion here between the pro and anti RH.

    So by reading the opinions here, seeing that our democratic form of government is not working for us, could a theocratic one do any better?

  3. #323
    ok rata manganak ug daghan basta sila ang mugasto haha!~

  4. #324
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    As Kahlil Gibran wrote when he spoke of children, he said: “Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself. They come through you, but not from you. And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your soul, for they have their own souls. You may house their bodies, but not their souls. For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow that you cannot visit even in your dreams. You make strive to be like them but seek not to make them like you, for life goes not backwards nor tarries with yesterday.

    “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite and he bends you with his might, that his arrows might go swift and far. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite. Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness, for even as he loves the arrow that flies, so he loves also the bow that is stable.”

  5. #325
    I see no wrong about his statement especially that he is of course addressing to married couples.

  6. #326
    Quote Originally Posted by hobie View Post
    I see no wrong about his statement especially that he is of course addressing to married couples.
    Bro, what most of us find wrong is that it was told with the idea that "Don't worry be Happy" song.

  7. #327
    Quote Originally Posted by hobie View Post
    I see no wrong about his statement especially that he is of course addressing to married couples.
    Bisan pa ug giaprobahan ang RH Bill, kadtung gusting manganak dili lamang usa, dili lamang duha pero tulo o upat, musalig lang kita kay Lord (Even with the passage of the RH Law, those who want to have children, not just one, not two but three or four, should put their trust in the Lord),”

    multiply all you want, dont worry, trust in the Lord for He will provide.. to put it simply.. It doesn't sound like a very good advice to me..

  8. #328
    C.I.A. vahnhelsing's Avatar
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    ^natog ka xian? murag gahapon raman ka dri straight... hehehe

    ONT... kini unta atong mga kaparian unta dili kay magsige alkontra sa atong gobyerno
    total wala man sad sila hilabti pod. hinoon daan naman nga kontra ang simbahan aning
    pagcontrol sa population, apan hinaot unta makakita sad sila sa grabeng epekto ani
    sa atong nasod.

  9. #329
    Quote Originally Posted by vahnhelsing View Post
    ^natog ka xian? murag gahapon raman ka dri straight... hehehe

    ONT... kini unta atong mga kaparian unta dili kay magsige alkontra sa atong gobyerno
    total wala man sad sila hilabti pod. hinoon daan naman nga kontra ang simbahan aning
    pagcontrol sa population, apan hinaot unta makakita sad sila sa grabeng epekto ani
    sa atong nasod.
    haha, natug sad uy, nalingaw lang ko gabii sa akong kaistorya hehe,.

    lage, ang ilang trabaho is to give spiritual inspiration and advice,. basta desisyon na about kong pila kabuok anakon dili na sila mag hisgot2 ana, bati man gud nga image ang mapintal sa huna2 sa uban.,

    kong mo gamit sad ug contraceptives wala nsad silay labot ana, personal desisyon mana,. natural family planning as what they call it is unreliable, that's a fact.. They are against contraception 'coz it is against the will of God kuno, giunsa kha nila pagkabaw kong unsay gi huna2 sa Ginoo nga unknowable man kaha diay iyang huna2 ug intention..

    parihas rni atong kang Andrew Wakefield nga MMR vaccine controversy, nga mka cause daw ug Autism.. It's a scare maong gisagop daun ni sa mga taw, it's been disputed, but even still if tinuod mas dako ang risk nga madaut na hinuon ang bata if dili pa bakunahan.. Ang simbahan will do everything in their power to scare the people, sa side effects daw, mao ni mao na, without any sort of strong evidence to support it.. It should not be this way, people should be given the right to choose what's best fit them, you give them options, it's up to them to decide what's best for them.

  10. #330
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    To put it mildly, no they haven't failed. They actually worked! And please don't base it on statistics or the majority or how poor our country is or how uneducated/undereducated.
    Really? Why don't you go out of your pretty little shell sometimes. Look at our country as it is now. How can you seriously say that advocacy worked? You don't want me to base on statistics or on how poor our country is or our quality of education. What do you want me to base it on? On blind faith?? No thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    Maybe you're just too focused on being human that you forgot your spirit.
    Typical answer of a person who follows blind faith. Pfft. You're too quick to discuss our spirituality. How about you become humans first before you declare yourselves as holier-than-thou?

    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    Learn about the countless number of couples who have been practicing it. And please don't equate success with material possessions and economic growth because that is a whole new level of subject that will put us off the course.
    Ok. Here's where maybe we can find a common ground. I am not saying at all that this method doesn't work. But other methods do work- some with even more success rate. Isn't it suspect behavior to you for the Church to be advocating only one method when all it boils down to is preventing pregnancy??

    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    STD can be prevented through monogamy. Besides, people with HIV nowAdays live longer lives than maybe you or me bec. Of advancements in science.
    I don't disagree with this. But STDs can also be prevented through the practice of safe *** using modern contraceptives. So aren't we just promoting the same thing?

    And on another note and this is off-topic, I'm tired of people on their own pedestals questioning my spirituality, my relationship with my God. SOME people who don't practice religion have the most personal relationships with their God than those. If you're arguments are "he's against the Church, he must be against God, or he's not looking into his spirituality..", then there's something seriously wrong with you. I think that the most recent RH bill could in fact help our country at least educate the people- and yeah, I'm looking at the less fortunate, the less informed- on how to plan their family better. And I am seriously against an entity who seeks to take that away from the people by continuing to misinform them. It has nothing to do with my spirituality.

    Brainwashed much?

    EDIT: And oh, Good morning!

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