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  1. #291

    Quote Originally Posted by cherie View Post
    gusto jud na ang simbahan nga walay family planning para daghan kaayo tao. para daghan magkalisud. kung daghan magkalisud, ang mga tao mo duol sa simbahan mohatag ug alay sa pari kay Ginoo ray makaluwas tungod sa kalisud.
    Trust in the Lord lang ta..

  2. #292
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xian120 View Post
    murag ikaw man tingali ang niuna ug saway nko.. kaluoy pud? unsa diay na..

    im not trying to outsmart you or anything, coz it seems to me that you are smart and have a lot of things to say,. im just implying that you should not contradict your own statements by claiming that we dont have jurisdiction over meaning and purpose yet saying that the purpose of s*x is procreation and all those neat stuff you were saying earlier..

    like i said s*x to me is an instinctual drive, a tool for survival,. i dont see why it should be mocked upon,. your background is influenced by your religioun while mine is not,. why mock me?
    My background or viewpoint has everything to do with my faith, not my religion. I don't claim to know everything but however little my studies have been, I found it sufficient to believe about the truths and lies of artificial conception. I guess even a non-Catholic Christian could probably defend the idea of NFP vs. contraception better than I ever could bec. it's not only Catholics that are against the idea of contraception.
    I never mocked you as much as you mocked me. Why complain now?

  3. #293
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherie View Post
    gusto jud na ang simbahan nga walay family planning para daghan kaayo tao. para daghan magkalisud. kung daghan magkalisud, ang mga tao mo duol sa simbahan mohatag ug alay sa pari kay Ginoo ray makaluwas tungod sa kalisud.
    Unsa may ihatag? Nagkalisod na di ba?

  4. #294
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    My background or viewpoint has everything to do with my faith, not my religion. I don't claim to know everything but however little my studies have been, I found it sufficient to believe about the truths and lies of artificial conception. I guess even a non-Catholic Christian could probably defend the idea of NFP vs. contraception better than I ever could bec. it's not only Catholics that are against the idea of contraception.
    I never mocked you as much as you mocked me. Why complain now?
    faith is a product of your religion, its all the same..

    well you better should dig deeper if you really want to know, personally i never encourage my girlfriend to take contraceptives or that we do any kind of those artificial stuff, nor do we mark safe the numbers on our calendars, we both can handle ourselves without the need for any of these stuff, disiplina rjud na sa tawo, but some people kinahanglan jud ug naay interventions para ma safe, there is no bias here just stating the facts,. wats best for you may not be best and safe for others..

    ., right now the meaning of s*x to me is strengthening of bond, and satisfying both our needs for sexual privations., there's no sin whatsoever, s*x is also for pleasure., for confidence, for comfort., married or not..

  5. #295
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xian120 View Post
    It's propaganda of those that are pro natural.. you are just looking at one side of the coin.

    natural is unreliable, that's a fact.. some woman often have irregular periods so calendar method wont work all the time.. so the best thing to do is withdrawal., well dpende sa bana kong mka control,. di tanang laki parihas..
    This is prejudiced if you say we are only looking at one side of the coin bec.we have been there and done it. And I must say that once we tried NFP, our relationship as a couple really blossomed! Everytime we got a chance to be alone without the kids, we spent more time talking and listening to each other. The *** was just a bonus. But bec. we rarely did it, each encounter felt like the first time ever. The excitement was always there. We grew more mature and responsible as parents and as individuals.
    Yes not all guys are the same. But just because chocolates are delicious doesn't mean it's alright to eat it til our tongues are satisfied. But She is not a people pleaser. The "if you can't beat them join them" attitude just won't work with the church.

  6. #296
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    This is prejudiced if you say we are only looking at one side of the coin bec.we have been there and done it. And I must say that once we tried NFP, our relationship as a couple really blossomed! Everytime we got a chance to be alone without the kids, we spent more time talking and listening to each other. The *** was just a bonus. But bec. we rarely did it, each encounter felt like the first time ever. The excitement was always there. We grew more mature and responsible as parents and as individuals.
    Yes not all guys are the same. But just because chocolates are delicious doesn't mean it's alright to eat it til our tongues are satisfied. But She is not a people pleaser. The "if you can't beat them join them" attitude just won't work with the church.
    Well good for you, but not all people have the same sexual privations,. some people are slightly asexual due to their lifestyle or some reasons, some are fond of s*x., if you both agree with what you are doing, then well and good to the both of you., but we do have to keep in mind that not all relationships are the same, partners cant always share the same mindset.. no matter what you tell them there are just relationships that needs counseling big time.. it's not always perfect.,

    the "if you cant beat them join them" principle clearly doesnt work with the church., well have they tried "if its reasonable join them?"

  7. #297
    C.I.A. vahnhelsing's Avatar
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    wa pa jud mo mahuman?
    nakahurot naman tawn kog lima ka
    kilong kagumkom nga chicharon uy..

    ONT.. adto ko too sa nakasulay na.. dili ko sa cge ra ug istorya..

  8. #298
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xian120 View Post
    faith is a product of your religion, its all the same..

    well you better should dig deeper if you really want to know, personally i never encourage my girlfriend to take contraceptives or that we do any kind of those artificial stuff, nor do we mark safe the numbers on our calendars, we both can handle ourselves without the need for any of these stuff, disiplina rjud na sa tawo, but some people kinahanglan jud ug naay interventions para ma safe, there is no bias here just stating the facts,. wats best for you may not be best and safe for others..

    ., right now the meaning of s*x to me is strengthening of bond, and satisfying both our needs for sexual privations., there's no sin whatsoever, s*x is also for pleasure., for confidence, for comfort., married or not..
    That is one sad news. Now I understand why you so desperately want to eliminate God or religion from the picture.

  9. #299
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xian120 View Post
    Well good for you, but not all people have the same sexual privations,. some people are slightly asexual due to their lifestyle or some reasons, some are fond of s*x., if you both agree with what you are doing, then well and good to the both of you., but we do have to keep in mind that not all relationships are the same, partners cant always share the same mindset.. no matter what you tell them there are just relationships that needs counseling big time.. it's not always perfect.,

    the "if you cant beat them join them" principle clearly doesnt work with the church., well have they tried "if its reasonable join them?"
    What reason?

  10. #300
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    That is one sad news. Now I understand why you so desperately want to eliminate God or religion from the picture.
    No you dont understand,. there's more to me than what you see here in this thread..

    what sad news?

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